Meet Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s GOP challenger, Scherie Murray: ‘There’s a crisis in Queens and it’s called AOC’

According to New York businesswoman and congressional hopeful Scherie Murray, there’s a “crisis” in New York’s 14th congressional district— and she says “it’s called AOC.”

“She isn’t worried about us — she’s worried about being famous,” Murray wrote when announcing her campaign on Twitter on July 17. “She thinks public service is not about serving the public, but herself. If you think you deserve better, then you’re just like me.”

That’s why Murray says she’s launching a campaign to unseat the progressive 29-year-old congresswoman in 2020. So who exactly is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s bold Republican challenger?

Murray was born in Jamaica and moved to New York City at nine years old. Growing up in Southeast Queens, she became heavily embedded in the city.

Scherie Murray is a Republican congressional hopeful who plans to challenge AOC's New York District 14 seat in 2020. (Credit: Scherie Murray)
Scherie Murray is a Republican congressional hopeful who plans to challenge AOC's New York District 14 seat in 2020. (Credit: Scherie Murray)

After starting out as a system analyst intern for an NYC MTA bus depot, she eventually went on to start a TV and production advertising company which — according to her website — helped expand opportunities for minorities in media.

Murray later became district leader and state committee woman of the 29th Assembly District in Queens, N.Y. for the New York Republican State Committee. Now, she wants to take her fight to Congress, announcing her intentions to run for Ocasio-Cortez’s seat in 2020.

Running as a Republican in the heavily blue N.Y. district 14, Murray claims she is the candidate that will help “build bridges” across party lines. Instead of making Trump her target, she has set her sights on taking down Ocasio-Cortez.

“...Your representative in Washington chooses self-promotion over service, conflict over constituents, and resistance over assistance,” Murray’s voice booms over her introductory campaign video.

While she says AOC is turning away jobs for local New Yorkers, Murray promises she will create economic opportunities, implement comprehensive immigration reform and focus on education and infrastructure.

“You deserve someone fighting for you, not fighting for the limelight. Bridges are about connecting us and getting us where we need to go.”

While Murray accuses her opponent of dividing interests and igniting tension in Washington, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez galvanized grass-roots support from her community like never before in the 2018 midterm elections.

The bartender-turned-congresswoman beat out 14-year-incumbent Democratic powerhouse Joe Crowley in her first-ever run for public office. She made history becoming the youngest person ever elected to Congress in the process.

Going door-to-door, the Bronx-native garnered support on a progressive platform advocating for universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, mobilizing towards climate change, abolishing ICE, ensuring housing as a human right and more.

However, Murray told Fox News that she didn’t believe that Ocasio-Corez’s far-left platform “connect[ed] with everyday Americans.”

Murray made jabs at the 29-year-old politician for “rolling back progress and authoring the job-killing Green New Deal and killing the Amazon New York deal.” While Ocasio-Cortez has been one of the leading advocates for Medicare For All, Murray strongly opposes it, believing that “a lot of people are happy with their current health insurance.”

When asked about the recent controversy in which Trump is accused of writing a racist tweet, telling four progressive minority congresswomen, including Ocasio-Cortez, to “go back” where they came from, Murray said the she didn’t believe the president was racist.

U.S. Reps Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN),  Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) hold a news conference after Democrats in the U.S. Congress moved to formally condemn President Donald Trump's attacks on the four minority congresswomen on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., July 15, 2019. REUTERS/Erin Scott
U.S. Reps Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) hold a news conference after Democrats in the U.S. Congress moved to formally condemn President Donald Trump's attacks on the four minority congresswomen on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., July 15, 2019. REUTERS/Erin Scott

“I think it’s disgusting, to be quite honest. I think we are missing the point of why we’re elected to public office: to legislate on policy, to deliver results to those kitchen table issues that are affecting everyday Americans,” Murray told Fox News of the controversy, also confirming that she is a Trump supporter.

Murray isn’t the only Republican contender vying for the freshman Congressman’s congressional seat. Other Republican contenders include cop-turned-high school teacher John Cummings, medical trade magazine writer Ruth Papazian, construction contractor Miguel Hernandez and entrepreneur Antoine Tucker. While any Republican challenger will face an uphill battle in the district’s general election, Murray still believes that is is possible to turn the blue district red.

“A Republican can win the district,” Murray said, who’s announcement has already gained strong traction. The tweet announcing her challenge has garnered over 12,500 likes and 5,700 retweets. “There is an absolute path to victory when you look at a general election campaign.”

The GOP primary will take place in June 2020.

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