Altered Carbon, review: despite first impressions, this is more than just Blade Runner: The TV Series

Joel Kinnaman as Takeshi Kovacs - Netflix
Joel Kinnaman as Takeshi Kovacs - Netflix

The box office crash-and-burn of Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner sequel last autumn suggests audiences have gone sour on the sort of sci-fi dystopias in which it rains constantly, smiling is verboten and streets are paved with neon Japanese lettering. But where does that leave Altered Carbon, Netflix’s estimated $70 million entry into that very genre? Up the cyber-creek without a paddle, potentially.

To say Altered Carbon is indebted to Ridley Scott’s original “cyberpunk” masterpiece is a bit like suggesting Oasis may have listened to the occasional Beatles record. The dialogue is hard-bitten, the trench coats long and flapping, the cityscapes baroque and smoggy. There are even flying police cars – a Blade Runner nudge so blatant it’s a wonder you don’t spill tea all over your lap simply by watching. 

Yet far from suffering from overfamiliarity, there’s a case that these chunky tropes are Altered Carbon’s winning component. Spikier shows such as Black Mirror, Philip K Dick’s Electric Dreams – even the trying-too-hard Star Trek: Discovery – make a huge fuss about subverting the conventions of science fiction. Altered Carbon, by contrast, leans hard into its noir undercurrents. Netflix’s adaptation of Richard Morgan’s 2002 novel may be set in the far future but is at its best when settling for being an old school detective mystery 

Slipping into the Harrison Ford role of cynical gumshoe investigating an apparently unsolvable crime is Joel Kinnaman, the Swedish-American actor best known as Kevin Spacey’s square-jawed Presidential rival in the last season’s House of Cards. He furrows his brows and mopes heroically as Takeshi Kovacs, a one-time enemy of the state resurrected after 250 years in the virtual slammer and gifted a shiny new body – “sleeve” in the series’ minimalist parlance. 

Martha Higareda and Joel Kinnaman - Credit: Netflix
Martha Higareda and Joel Kinnaman Credit: Netflix

In an earlier incarnation (portrayed by Will Yun Lee) Kovacs was gainfully employed attempting to topple the regime. Now he’s been brought back to play detective at the behest of immortal oligarch Laurens Bancroft (Rome’s James Purefoy), whose brains were recently splatted all over the wall by assailants unknown. 

Happily in the 24th century only the poor have to worry about death, with Bancroft and his fellow one percenter “Meths” (after the Bible's oldest character Methuselah) living in perpetual gated splendour high above the clouds. Being shot at point blank thus isn’t quite the disaster it might once have been, as the victim’s consciousness is stored remotely so that it can beamed back into an auxiliary sleeve (the technobabble is strong in this one). 

So no harm done – but Bancroft is nonetheless keen to discover why somebody would want him dead. An even bigger cliffhanger is Kovacs’s own origin story, meted out in confusing flashbacks. There’s also more than meets the eye to the body into which he has been uploaded and to his rapport with dogged cop Kristin Ortega (Mexican actress Martha Higareda).

Showrunner Laeta Kalogridis (author of the screenplays for Shutter Island and Terminator Genisys) counterpoints the sci-fi chilliness with lashings of nudity and flashy sex scenes in the tradition of early Game of Thrones. Kovacs is quickly writhing about with Bancroft’s femme fatale wife (Kristin Lehman) and Purefoy and Higareda are likewise called upon let it all (or at least most of it) hang out. On the prestige TV bare-bum index, Altered Carbon scores a straight 10. 

Chris Conner - Credit: Netflix
Chris Conner Credit: Netflix

All of this unfolds against a future-shock United States cut from reassuringly clichéd cloth. Kovacs pounds the rainy avenues of Bay City, chugs bourbon and interrogates heart-of-gold prostitutes. He even acquires a comic relief sidekick in an artificial intelligence (Chris Conner) who runs an Edgar Allan Poe-themed hotel and fancies himself a Watson to Kovacs's huffy Holmes.

Their interactions bring a welcome levity and give Kinnaman an opportunity to expand his range beyond flexing his brow/buttocks. The humour is especially invaluable early on when Kovacs has little to do beyond traipsing from location to location searching for clues, in the manner of a point and click video game from the Nineties. 

But the show’s horizons expand in the second half of the 10-episode season as it becomes clear that Altered Carbon is more than merely an intricate whodunit. Whether that will be enough to woo those who didn’t much fancy the same techno noir template when served up by Blade Runner 2049 is the $70 million imponderable with which Netflix must reckon.