Amy Schumer Opens Up About Years of Getting Body-Shamed Online

Amy Schumer

By this point in her career, Amy Schumer is a pro at shrugging off the haters and making a joke out of the criticism she receives, but dealing with internet trolls is still never easy.

The Life and Beth star recently opened up about the online negativity she has faced for years, particularly when it comes to her physical appearance, and she says she wouldn't wish that experience on anyone.

While talking with Amanda Hirsch, host of the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast, Schumer, 42, got candid about dealing with her haters, who she said are "very comfortable s—tting on her" and seem to have "a lot of passion" when voicing negative opinions about her.

"I think they’re mad that I’m not thinner. I think they’re mad I’m not prettier and that I still feel like I have a right to speak,” Schumer explained during the Tuesday, Feb. 20 podcast episode. "And I think that they don’t want any women to speak. I mean, what woman has ever opened her mouth and not been torn to shreds?”

"It doesn’t feel good when the whole internet’s mad at you," Schumer further stated, while stressing, "Don’t get me wrong—it does not feel good and I don’t wish that on anyone if they don’t deserve it."

But the Trainwreck star has been facing harsh body-shaming for "a long time," she said, and over the years, she has become "better at navigating," the rage of keyboard warriors.

"So yeah, it's just about how I'm feeling about myself," she added.

Just last week, Schumer had to defend herself from internet trolls after some press appearances ignited questions about her face, which critics said looked "swollen" and "puffier" than normal.

But the Emmy winner wasn't having any of it, and later took to Instagram to shut down the conversation around her appearance, which she said has been going on now for "almost 20 years."

While revealing that her body is currently going through some "medical and hormonal things" right now as a result of the disease endometriosis, Schumer acknowledged that she owed no explanation to the haters.

Still, she insisted that she wanted to "take the opportunity to advocate for self love and acceptance of the skin you're in."

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