Anatolian Shepherd's Epic Zoomies Are an Immediate Mood Booster

Small dogs are often recognized for their entertaining episodes of the zoomies. My petite French bulldog enjoys darting back and forth around the furniture and even jumping over it. She can't contain her excitement, so this is her way of releasing some of her energy.

However, we don't always see a large dog displaying their feelings in a similar way, but it's equally charming and incredibly tough to resist. Watch this big pup express herself in this video from July 12.

Oh, Maddie (@trevor_thewolfhound), you are one happy girl! It's hard to feel anything but delighted when watching her zip along! Her athleticism is quite impressive, given her size! She has all the moves of a small dog but in a much larger body, which means it's even more entertaining for us to watch. However, as I've had more than one gleeful Rottweiler with a sudden burst of energy knock me over, hopefully, her humans will always steer clear when she's in this mode. They don't seem to have brakes or much peripheral vision when expressing joy.

Related: Anatolian Shepherd ‘Scent Tracing’ Danger Basically Has Spidey Senses

What Makes Anatolian Shepherd Dogs Great Guardians

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs have been guarding livestock for thousands of years. Their formidable size ranges from 80 to 150 pounds, making them ideal for protecting their herd against bears and wolves. Although never long enough, compared to other large breeds, they have longer lifespans ranging from 11 to 13 years on average. They are not only intelligent an independent thinkers, but their essential jobs are also ingrained in their DNA. They make quick decisions and never hesitate to do what's needed to protect their territory. While they also make lovely family pets, they need ample exercise, early socialization, plenty of training, and a job. Although they are beautiful, loyal, and dedicated companions, they are double coated dogs, which means pet parents should expect lots of heavy shedding!

Viewer @amy_rose_gold responded, “When the front legs go out sideways, and the back legs move faster than the front.” It’s a sight to behold! Viewer @petterofdogs remarked, “With that much mass in motion, those are no longer zoomies. Those are crashie-smashies.” That’s an excellent description. Another person shared, “The best ones are the inside ones that are just small circles cause they're trying not to smash into things.” Ha! I prefer the big displays of excitement to be performed outside, but it’s hard to resist their indoor version.

Sometimes, we need our dogs to remind us to take time to have fun and play each day. Tomorrow isn't promised, so we should always be grateful and find joy wherever we can.