Ann Curry Says She's Still "Processing" Matt Lauer's Firing

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Country Living

NBC announced Wednesday morning that longtime Today show host Matt Lauer was fired after allegations of "inappropriate sexual behavior." Since that news broke, colleagues like Megyn Kelly and Kathie Lee Gifford have spoken out about how devastated they were by the news.

Now, Ann Curry, Lauer's former cohost who was abruptly fired in 2012, reacted to Lauer's firing Wednesday, and said she was taking time to process the news before speaking about specifics.

She told People that she doesn't want to comment directly just yet, as the news is still fresh. "I'm still really processing it," she told the magazine. But she did speak out about the recent wave of allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace in general.

"The women's movement got us into the workplace, but it didn't make us safe once we got there," she said. "We need to move this revolution forward and make our workplaces safe. Corporate America is quite clearly failing to do so, and unless it does something to change that, we need to keep doing more ourselves."

Curry, especially referenced how proud she was of the women who have told their stories recently. "I admire the women who have been willing to speak up both anonymously and on the record. Those women need to keep their jobs, and all women need to be able to work, to be able to thrive, without fear," she said. "This kind of behavior exists across industries, and it is so long overdue for it to stop."

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