AnnaSophia Robb's ?? Abs Look Next-Level Amazing In A Spicy Naked Dress

johnnie walker celebrates at the 16th annual wif oscar party
AnnaSophia Robb's Abs Are Killer In A Naked DressMichael Kovac - Getty Images
  • Anna Sophia Robb is looking next-level amazing these days.

  • The 29-year-old actress just took to Instagram to share a fun photo dump that showed off the see-through black dress she wore to Elton John's viewing party.

  • To stay fit, she does one workout everyday, and she also like to make sure she gets some extra time out in nature.

People are still buzzing about the Oscars, including AnnaSophia Robb, who wore the coolest naked dress on the big night.

The 29-year-old actress shared a slew of photos of herself in the see-through black dress, just before she hit up Elton John’s viewing party. There’s AnnaSophia looking strong all over in the high-necked dress while posing on a circular staircase; AnnaSophia showing off her toned booty in the dress from behind; and AnnaSophia noshing on sushi late-night in a white tank top and jeans.

People were all about it in the comments. “If being beautiful was a crime, you’d be on the most wanted list,” wrote one. While another said, “Omgggg we are not worthy!!”

So, how does she stay so toned and glowy? AnnaSophia has made it clear that she loves to be out in nature—and her Instagram is packed with photos of her “frolicking” over hills and through the woods. Evidence:

She even captioned one series of hiking shots, “more nature, more better”:

AnnaSophia previously told Build that she was big on Instagram Live workouts during the height of quarantine. “I try to do one exercise a day,” she said. “I feel like it makes me feel a lot better... Everybody just dances together. And it's, like, so beautiful to see.”

AnnaSophia is also into living a green lifestyle, and even shared her hacks with IBT. “Greens go bad pretty quick and I always think that I’m going to eat a lot more greens, but we put them in the freezer,” she said. “As soon as they start to turn, we just freeze them and put them in smoothies or in soups. I freeze a lot of stuff because of the shelf life and then it doesn’t go to waste.”

She told The Strategist that she’s big into cheese, too. “I love discovering new cheeses,” she said. “I even have an app, LeCheese, on my phone so I can read different reviews of cheeses.”

Another thing she can’t do without? Lao Gan Ma Spicy Chili Crisp Hot Sauce. “It’s a refrigerator staple for me,” she said. “I eat this on my eggs every morning. It’s the best way to make things spicy. I also marinate fish with it, throw it on baked potatoes, or sauté broccoli rabe with this and shallots. It really adds a nice texture.”


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