Work Through Anxiety With These 50 Simple Mantras for Relaxation

When anxious feelings flood our minds, it’s hard to focus on anything else. You may feel your heartbeat start to speed up, the onset of a pulsing headache or your stomach twisting into knots.

At the same time, anxiety can feed the mind lies, like that you’re not good enough or that things will never get better. When these lies surface—and it’s important to remember that they are lies—repeating mantras that promote relaxation can drown out these intrusive thoughts, while calming your body down at the same time.

Next time you feel anxious, bring balance back to your mind and body by repeating these mantras to yourself while slowly breathing in and out. Find the ones that most resonate with you and commit them to memory so that they are always with you whenever you’re in need of a little calm.

Related: Feeling Anxious? We Found 7 Tried and True Strategies to Help You Deal

50 Mantras for Relaxation When Anxious Thoughts Surface

1. I am safe.

2. Calm washes over me.

3. This too shall pass.

4. I choose peace.

5. I have control over how I feel.



Related: This Is the #1 Sign of Anxiety That People Often Miss—Does It Sound Familiar?

6. Anxious thoughts are not true thoughts.

7. Joy is within my reach.

8. I am doing the best I can, and that is enough.

9. Breathe out anxiety, breathe in peace.

10. Let it be.



11. I deserve peace, joy, and love.

12. At this moment, I am okay.

13. No one can take my joy.

14. I have the power to overcome.

15. I can do hard things.



Related: Om in Your Home: 12 Ways to Really Help You Relax and Unwind

16. With each breath, I choose peace.

17. I will get through this, one step at a time.

18. I will focus on the good things around me.

19. I’ve overcome harder things before. I am still here.

20. Trust the process.



21. I am in control of my emotions.

22. I refuse to make mountains out of molehills.

23. With each experience, I’m growing and learning.

24. This moment is a small piece of a bigger, beautiful puzzle.

25. The right path will always appear.



26. I am capable.

27. Difficult moments are the teacher and I am the student. I will excel.

28. Fear is not dangerous, just a fleeting feeling.

29. I will get through this one breath at a time.

30. I can do this. I am doing this.



31. Peace brings a smile.

32. I will focus on what I can control and let everything else go.

33. With each heartbeat, peace resonates within me.

34. I am exactly where I need to be.

35. I choose to focus on the good.

36. The universe is tilted in my favor.

37. I am stronger than my anxiety.

38. Mind over matter.

39. I choose to be happy.

40. There is nothing wrong with how I’m feeling.

41. I create my own path to joy.

42. I will let positive thoughts guide my way.

43. Chaos may be all around me, but I am calm.

44. I am loved. I am supported.

45. With each breath, I fill my lungs with gratitude.

46. I believe in myself.

47. Life is good.

48. I am not alone.

49. Fear does not define me.

50. I am open to receiving all the good around me.

Next up, learn more about mindfulness and the benefits of putting it into practice in your own life.