A New 'Ocean's 8' Trailer Has Arrived

Photo credit: Warner Bros.
Photo credit: Warner Bros.

From Cosmopolitan

Attention, fans of Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Rihanna, and movies where men are completely irrelevant: There's a new Ocean's 8 trailer! As in the first trailer, this one semi-explains Debbie Ocean's (Sandra Bullock) plan to rob the Met Gala, or more specifically, rob the neck of Daphne Kluger (Anne Hathaway), a person who'll be in attendance at the Met Gala. This is probably easier than stealing any of the art in the Met, so sure. You do you, Debbie Ocean.

Unfortunately, this trailer contains fewer scenes of Rihanna being the best person alive, but that's OK - you still have the first trailer for that. You do get to see her school two of her heist-mates on how to turn on a camera at the very end, though, so it's not a total wash. Now who's ready to do a heist?

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