Your Aquarius Monthly Horoscope For April
April 7th: Question everything.
April 19th: Viva la revolution… but first, laundry.
April 22nd: Now, you’re even surprising yourself.
You’re the revolutionary of the zodiac. You’re all about progress and innovation… so these last few weeks, you’ve been getting more and more fired up. I understand, Aquarius love. At this moment, the best thing you can do is continue to stay alert and aware.
On April 4th, abundant Jupiter and transformative Pluto connect in Capricorn. This is actually the first installment of a trilogy (they’ll meet again on June 30th and November 12th), so observe whatever themes are present at the beginning of the month. These planets haven’t connected since 2007, so their meeting marks the beginning of a 13-year cycle on both the micro (personal) and macro (collective) level. For you, this will inspire you to deepen your relationship with the metaphysical world. How can use you use spiritual healing modalities (think reiki, tarot, or *ahem* astrology) to strengthen your humanitarianism? By tuning in to your innate intuition, you’ll unlock truly extraordinary opportunities.
On April 7th, a Full Moon in Libra electrifies the night sky. For you, Aquarius babe, this lunation sparks passionate wanderlust. No, chances are, you will not be hopping on an airplane right now (#stayhome)... so instead, find adventure in your local community. Maybe take a (social distanced!) walk around your neighborhood, observing details you may have otherwise overlooked, or read up on some local history. But remember, Full Moons are all about shocking revelations. In other words, Aquarius, there’s more to see than what meets the eye.
The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19, kicking off a new astrological season. On April 22, the Moon joins the Sun, forming a New Moon in this earthy domain. And although you’re a rebel without a cause (FYI James Dean was also an Aquarius!), Taurus energy actually puts you in a domestic mood. You’ve been spending a lot of time at home, and now, you’re actually motivated to beautify your bunker. Whether you’re hanging curtains, buying house plants, or perhaps even (gasp!) putting away your dishes, you’ll find joy in tending to your sanctuary. This may seem quite out of character… but when you think about it, you’re still breaking the rules by challenging your personal status quo. So, yeah, it works!
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