Your Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for October

From Cosmopolitan

Add these dates to your GCal rn:

  • October 1: Full Moon in Aries

  • October 13: Mercury Retrograde begins

  • October 16: New Moon in Libra

  • October 22: Sun enters Scorpio

  • October 31: Full Moon in Taurus

Ready? Set? Go! A Full Moon in Aries on October 1 kicks off this action-packed month and suddenly, you find yourself in the center of some seriously hot goss. But ouch! It’s scalding! Truthfully, you’re not a big fan of scandale. In fact, you find the grapevine to be a bit exhausting. You may want to use this lunation to debunk rumors and expose falsities. Under this sky, use your voice to advocate for positive, inspirational change. You’re a leader, not a follower!

Ugh, why does Mercury has a way of screwing things up at the worst possible time?! Alas, on October 13, the planet of communication goes retrograde for the final time in 2020, fueling miscommunications, meltdowns, and migraines. For the next three weeks, things will be extra messy, so take a few deep breaths, center yourself, and release your need to micromanage every single detail. Yes, messages will go missing, technology will crash, and you may end up getting into a weird argument with your neighbor…but you’ll get through it! Don’t worry, Aquarius. Mercury Retrograde won’t last forever!

Then, on October 16, the Sun and Moon meet in Libra—a like-minded air sign—forming a powerful New Moon. This illuminates the area of your chart associated with philosophy, expansion, and education, so under this sky, don’t be afraid to go far outside your comfort zone and enroll in a fun, unexpected class or workshop. Whether you’re studying politics, practicing a new instrument, or learning how to bake banana bread (hey, better late than never), this is a wonderful New Moon for experimentation. Lean into your curious spirit, Aquarius! It will serve you well!

Winds of change start blowing on October 22, when the Sun shifts into Scorpio’s domain. Believe it or not, you’re actually closely connected to Scorpio energy. Aquarius and Scorpio are both fixed signs, which means they meet at a dynamic 90o angle that generates major motion. The next few weeks are all about taking action and with Scorpio illuminating your professional sector, don’t be surprised if you’re suddenly moving at hyper-speed. You’re zooming, Aquarius…no, I mean, literally! Everything is happening so fast! Whether you’re negotiating a promotion, launching your own business, or planning the next revolution, the next few weeks are about stepping into your full potential. You got this!

You knew Halloween was spooky—but this year, it’s actually haunted. On October 31, the second Full Moon of the month will enchant the night sky and the werewolves will be howling! But you’re not interested in exploring the dark and scary woods…in fact, there are more than enough cobwebs to explore right in your own bedroom. Under this sky, you’ll be inspired to look at your domestic space from a different perspective. Perhaps the walls just need a fresh coat of pain...or maybe you need to confront some serious tension with a roommate or cohabitant. Either way, be sure to grab your witch’s broom and start sweeping away the bad vibes. It’s time to clean house!

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