Ariana Grande Took Out Her Ponytail and Revealed...A BOB AND BANGS?!
Mehera Bonner
In case you hadn't noticed, Ariana Grande loves herself a ponytail. See, here's exhibit A:
And B:
And C:
Obviously, sometimes Ariana wears her hair down-but ~this~ isn't what her real hair looks like:
Turns out Ariana has super curly hair, and it also happens to be above-the-shoulder. Like, girl has a full blown bob and bangs hiding under that pony, and it's SO CUTE:
Also, fun fact, Ariana's hair hasn't changed all that much since she was little, as you can tell from this instantly iconic photo:
Which happens to be the reason she revealed her curly hair, BTW:
In conclusion, RIP me.
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