Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for December
Put these dates in your Google Cal rn:
December 2: Success is knocking!
December 12: Turn off your notifications
December 26: Invest in yourself
It’s been quite the season, Aries love. After November’s exhausting Mercury retrograde, you’re ready to clock out for a nice, well-deserved vacay. But, um, this calm will only last for a minute until something *huge* happens at the beginning of the month. You may be totally exhausted, but you’ll need to step up your game in a major way.
On December 2, Jupiter (the planet of luck and abundance) cruises into Capricorn, the sign associated with hard work, professionalism, and long-term legacy. The last time Jupiter occupied Capricorn was from 2007 through 2009, so this transit isn’t to be taken lightly! This planet will be barreling across your career zone through December 19, 2020. Update your résumé, apply to the most competitive schools, and don’t be afraid to ask your boss for a raise! Or, if you’ve been contemplating kicking off your own side hustle, this is an excellent time to put those wheels in motion. For you, darling Aries, Jupiter’s movement into Capricorn is all about success, so don’t be afraid to celebrate your incredible gifts. You know you were born to shine—it’s about time you let the world know!
The last Full Moon of the year occurs on December 12, when the Moon forms a dynamic opposition to the Sun at 12 degrees Gemini. This lunation activates your communication zone, encouraging you to reevaluate your relationship with your community. Are the people in your life inspiring you to reach outside your comfort zone, or are they keeping you stuck in an infinite gossip loop that leads absolutely nowhere? Like, who TF cares if Jessica is dating Kyle or Kevin? You have bigger fish to fry (like accomplishing your personal goals). Capricorn season also officially kicks off on December 21, when the Sun glides into this bossy Earth sign. While everyone is cozying up by the fire, you’ll probably find yourself working on an exciting new business proposal.
Side note: Mariah Carey, patron saint of Christmas, is an Aries. And lucky for you, Aries babe, this is your chance to hit the holiday jackpot, too. Just after midnight on December 26, a powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn blankets the sky, activating your chart in a major, life-changing way. Think back to last July: What was happening in your life? Were you navigating a professional transition? Eclipses tell stories that unfold over many years, so consider how the Cancer-Capricorn eclipse series has been transforming your life. By the time this eclipse series concludes on July 5, 2020, virtually ~everything~ will have changed. This is a time for tremendous growth, Aries babe, and that is a true Christmas miracle.
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