The art of taking the same holiday every single year – why do people do it?

Do you return to the same country, town, or even holiday cottage, year after year? - This content is subject to copyright.
Do you return to the same country, town, or even holiday cottage, year after year? - This content is subject to copyright.

"They say we're young and we don't know, won't find out until we grow."

[Smashes alarm clock repeatedly with fist until I Got You Babe ceases].

There is never a bad time to mention Bill Murray's gloriously sardonic star turn in bittersweet 1993 comedy film Groundhog Day, but this week is a particularly pertinent juncture for references to not driving angry and watching that last step, it's a doozie. Today is indeed Groundhog Day, that curious slot in the American calendar which sees a rodent pulled from a box in the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, and asked his considered opinion as to whether winter will continue for six more weeks.

Groundhog Day is a Punxsutawney tradition - Credit: AP/Gene J. Puskar,
Groundhog Day is a Punxsutawney tradition Credit: AP/Gene J. Puskar,

Why mention this on the travel pages now (it being a little late in the day to catch a flight to the north-east shoulder of the USA to witness this quirky annual spectacle in person)?

Because the concept of Groundhog Day is often a fair fit with the world of holidays. In theory, we live in a new golden age of travel, where just about every corner of the planet is accessible via a spider-web of flights, ferries and far-out road trips. And yet many of us are happy to return to the same beloved destination year after year, retracing our own entrenched footsteps summer after summer and winter after winter. 

The statistics suggest that this is more of a common habit than you might expect - especially as we get a little older.

Research conducted among UK holidaymakers has shown that as many as 91 per cent of British adults over 50 prefer to return to a favourite location rather than investigate somewhere fresh - with one in five tourists in the same age bracket deciding to revisit the exact same place within 12 months.

Four in ten are firm defenders of this practice, saying that they "never get bored" of tried-and-trusted hotspots in the sun or snow, and that familiarity most certainly does not breed contempt.

For some people, this will sound like a sort of sacrilege - a total failure of imagination in an era when the horizon is your oyster. To others, it will make complete sense. Why go to the trouble of researching somewhere different - and then go to the trouble of paying to travel there - only to find that it doesn't live up to your expectations, or to the money expended? Not when you can retreat into the safe confines of somewhere you understand and appreciate, knowing precisely what awaits, and how much you will enjoy it - much like the comforting sensation of pulling on an old sweater at the first sign of autumn leaves.

Specific case studies are in regular supply. Witness the example of Bernard and Janice Caffary, a Florida couple who have chalked up a century of voyages on the same cruise ship, the Carnival Sensation, in just over a decade - usually staying in the same cabin. "We really do like the crew - it's a family atmosphere," said Mrs Caffary, on the occasion of their 100th voyage. "A lot of the staff members call us ‘mum’ and ‘dad’."

The surreal life on board the world's largest cruise ship

Similar emotions were voiced by Middlesex pensioners Michael and Mary Hirst, when they were interviewed by this newspaper about their ongoing holiday love affair with Malta - the couple having been signing up for annual breaks at the Hotel Phoenicia in the Mediterranean island's capital Valletta since 1959. "We've mostly stayed at the same hotel," Michael explained. "It is lovely grand hotel in a great location, right next to the walled city of Valletta - so easily accessible to everything. The staff all know us well because we come so frequently, and so it really is like walking into a second home. They often ask us about the past, as we sometimes seem to remember more about former staff and the way things used to be in and around the hotel."

Valletta - Credit: getty
Valletta Credit: getty

So is this a case of woozy nostalgia, entertained by senior travellers who have grown tired of exploration - or who were never overly troubled by itchy feet in the first place?

Not a bit of it. A younger generation is also increasingly aware of the joys of known quantities - whether heading off with a loved one or opting for an escape with children.

Penning a feature for this publication in 2016, actor Timothy Watson - best known for voicing the cheating Rob Titchener in The Archers - explained his extended relationship with the Greek island of Lefkada, and why he and his family tend to follow the same sunny path to the edge of the Ionian Sea on an (almost) annual basis.

"In 2005, a year after our daughter was born," he wrote, "my wife and I were looking for that most elusive of things: something akin to the holiday we might have had Before Children (BC), but With Children.

"We wanted somewhere discreet and tucked away, somewhere where we might still read a book by the pool, somewhere intimate and peaceful, but with the things that kids like, too.

With beaches like that, why wouldn't you return? - Credit: SAMUELE GALLINI FOTOGRAFO
With beaches like that, why wouldn't you return? Credit: SAMUELE GALLINI FOTOGRAFO

"What we discovered was Mousses. Here, on the beautiful Ionian island of Lefkada, are 12 delightful villas named after the Greek muses (with a few other mythological characters thrown in to make up the numbers). No matter. They fit the bill so well that we’ve been back nearly every year since. And when we haven’t, we’ve wished we had.

"Try not to judge. I know we sound terribly dull – and perhaps we are – but this place is something special... Lots of families make a virtue of trying something new each year, but there is surely something valuable in exploring one or two places fully and allowing time for them to become a part of you. With so many variables in our lives, is it any wonder that we see the magic in constants?"

I couldn't agree more with the last sentence. I'm a firm advocate of seeing as much of the globe as you can, and believe there are few nuggets of received wisdom more misleading than the much-quoted - but entirely erroneous - "it's a small world".

And yet, I'm also happy, once a year, to pack the car and point it towards the same segment of rural France that I have visited every summer since 2001. It is a journey so ingrained in my mind that I can practically drive it from the back seat, and it always finishes in the same place - a tiny hamlet on the banks of the River Mayenne in southern Normandy. 

Why? Well, it's partly about expediency - a friend's cottage, which is generally available at some point in July or August, a small orchard behind it which provides leafy shade from the Gallic sun on those days when it chooses to shine brightly. Which it doesn't always - this is not a portion of the French tapestry from which you are guaranteed to return with a tan. Nor do you find yourself assailed by a surfeit of choice when it comes to local attractions. With apologies to the town of Lassay-les-Chateaux and its picture-book medieval fortress, this is not an area which could ever be described as packed with tourist sites, no matter how much you love France.

Lassay-les-Chateaux - Credit: Getty/Getty
Lassay-les-Chateaux Credit: Getty/Getty

But this isn't the point. There are excellent local restaurants where I know both the menu and the owner; where booking a table feels like calling in on a family member. There are cider farms and rustic footpaths which do not offer visceral thrills - and yet enchant the soul in a way Claude Monet appreciated. There are swimming platforms on the river, and enough mini-golf courses to fill, well, three or four afternoons at least.

Admittedly, I'm also obsessed with destinations I haven't seen, am rarely more enthused than when treading an unknown track - and would long have tired of Melleray-la-Vallée if it were the only foreign idyll I ever saw.

But for one week each summer, I retreat to a travel comfort zone, knowing that there will be no alarms, and no surprises - and that I will be all the more refreshed for it. I got you babe indeed.