Ask Away—255 Road Trip Questions To Really Keep Your Wheels Turning

Please keep your arms, feet and legs inside the ride at all times, and no—we're not there yet. No matter how many hours or miles you're planning to travel, a road trip of any length promises to be an adventure. Memories are made (for better or worse) and you might find yourself telling stories from a particular excursion for years to come.

We've got a list of 255 road trip questions for you to pull out on your next long ride and get to know one another better. Discover what treasures you might via conversation as you hit the open road, look up from your phone (as a passenger), gaze out the window and focus on the people around you. These questions will definitely take your travels to the next level.

As Scottish poet Robert Louis Stevenson wrote: "I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move." So go, enjoy yourself, and take these 255 road trip questions with you.

255 Best Road Trip Questions

1. What are your must-have snacks on a road trip?

2. What family vacations did you take as a child?

3. Where's someplace you'd like us all to go together someday?

4. What's the longest road trip you've taken?

5. What's something on your bucket list of things to do?

6. What songs are on your road trip playlist?

Related: 400 Wacky, Wild & Totally Fun Questions To Ask Anyone—Including Friends, Family & Even Strangers!

Family Road Trip Questions

7. If stranded on a desert island, which family member would you want with you?

8. What's something you've always wanted to ask a family member?

9. Do you know what your mom wanted to be when she grew up?

10. Who gets away with the most stuff?

11. Which family member is the funniest?

12. Which family member is the smartest?

13. Do you remember the first house you lived in?

14. What is your earliest memory?

15. What is a family tradition you appreciate?

16. Which holiday is your favorite and why?

17. What's a family story you've heard at least a dozen times?

18. Who is our most famous relative?

19. Do we know where our family originated?

20. What will you remember about your grandparents?

21. Who's been your favorite pet?

Deep Road Trip Questions

22. What's a question you have for God?

23. How do you explain the Trinity?

24. Where would you like to be buried?

25. Tell about a time in your life when you were lonely.

26. What do you like about yourself?

27. Do you believe in love at first sight?

28. What do you wish was taught in school that isn't?

29. Who's a significant person in your life you've lost?

30. Are you still friends with anyone from your childhood?

31. Have you ever broken someone's heart?

32. Has your heart ever been broken?

Random Questions for Your Trip

33. Describe yourself using one word.

34. What do you see out the window right now?

35. What's a memory you have from high school?

36. What's a memory you have from college?

37. What was your high school mascot?

38. What was your college mascot?

39. Have you kept a secret of any kind for more than a decade?

40. Do you have a secret recipe you won't share with anyone?

41. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

42. What was your favorite TV show growing up?

43. Name a food item that's always on your grocery list.

44. Have you ever thrown a surprise party?

45. Do you play an instrument?

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Personal Car Ride Questions

46. What was your first car?

47. Have you ever had major surgery?

48. What's something you fear?

49. Tell about a memory you have with your siblings.

50. How would you like to be remembered?

51. What's one of your fears?

52. What advice do you have for your 20-year-old self?

53. Do you have a great disappointment in life?

54. How is your life different than you thought it would be?

55. What's a valuable lesson you learned from your parents?

56. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

57. Who can you share your deepest secrets with?

Rapid-Fire Questions for a Car Ride

58. Who was your best friend growing up?

59. Where did you go to college?

60. What other colleges did you consider?

61. What was your first job?

62. Name one of your Halloween Costumes.

63. What was your favorite subject in school?

64. Where did you go on your last road trip?

65. Name five sports teams.

66. Name five state capitals.

67. Name five U.S. Presidents.

68. What memory always brings a smile to your face?

69. Do you have a dream job?

70. Girl name you like.

71. Boy name you like.

72. Pet name you like.

Thought-Provoking Questions for a Car Ride

73. Who do you think looks up to you?

74. How many more years will you work until retirement?

75. What's your earliest memory?

76. What did you want to be when you grew up?

77. If a genie granted you three wishes, what would you ask for?

78. Describe a perfect day.

79. Who's one of your role models?

80. Which celebrity could be your BFF?

81. Who would you like to take a road trip with?

82. Which European country would you like to live in?

83. Who's the most famous person you know?

Fun Road Trip Conversation Starters

84. Who is someone you admire?

85. What era would you like to live in?

86. Which historical figure would you like to meet?

87. Have you ever read a book in one sitting?

88. Where is a dream place to visit?

89. Did you have a hero growing up?

90. Do you have a dream vehicle?

91. Where would you like to retire?

92. Who would you want at your table for trivia night?

93. What's a go-to karaoke song?

94. Name a pet peeve of yours.

95. Which zoo animal is a must-see?

96. What rides do you like at amusement parks?

97. Name a place you'd time travel to.

"Who is Most Likely To?" Questions for Car Rides

98. Eat a bug?

99. Become a vegetarian?

100. Adopt a pet?

101. Sit at the kids' table?

102. Stay up late?

103. Go to bed early?

104. Read multiple books on vacation?

105. Spend the most time listening to earbuds?

106. Learn a foreign language?

107. Arrive somewhere on time?

108. Be fashionably late?

109. Take the longest to get ready?

110. Hire a maid?

111. Move the most?

112. Travel to an exotic destination?

113. Have us all over for dinner?

"This Or That" Car Ride Questions

114. Sky dive or rock wall climb?

115. Baseball or football?

116. Country or pop music?

117. Ketchup or mustard?

118. Los Angeles or New York?

119. London or Paris?

120. Country or city?

121. Mountains or ocean?

122. Book or movie?

123. Summer or winter?

124. Fall or spring?

125. Babysit or pet sit?

126. Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran?

127. Theme park or water park?

128. Crunch or smooth peanut butter?

129. Cooking or baking?

130. Wine or Beer?

131. Soda or juice?

132. Twitter or Facebook or Instagram?

133. Cats or dogs?

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Road Trip Questions for Couples

134. Which date of ours was your favorite?

135. What did you think the first time you saw me?

136. Which of our friends make the best double date partners?

137. Where would you like us to travel to someday?

138. Talk about a memory of us that you treasure.

139. If you could live anywhere else, where would it be?

140. Who is your best friend (other than me)?

141. Do you know how many months we've been together?

142. What age was your first airplane ride?

143. Have you traveled via train?

144. Have you ridden in a limo?

145. How many states have you visited?

146. What countries have you been to?

147. What do you remember about our first date?

148. Who are our closest friends?

Funny Road Trip Questions To Ask in the Car

149. What's something that gets on your nerves?

150. Do you know any jokes off the top of your head?

151. Share an embarrassing moment.

152. What word can you never remember how to spell?

153. Name three U.S. National Parks.

154. Who is your funniest friend?

155. Name the Friends characters.

156. What would you name a pet dragon?

157. Do you like pineapple on pizza?

158. How do you say pecan?

159. What's your favorite video game?

160. Do you speak a foreign language?

161. What kind of a reality TV show would you go on?

Top 5 Lists for Road Trips

162. Songs

163. Movies

164. Board games

165. Foods

166. Books

167. Restaurants

168. Cartoon characters

169. Childhood memories

170. Qualities in a friend

171. Dishes at a potluck

172. Hobbies

173. Drinks

174. Places to visit

"What's Your Favorite?" Questions While Traveling

175. Ethnic food

176. Color

177. Teacher

178. Dessert

179. Appetizer

180. Smell

181. Disney character

182. Breakfast food

183. Sports team

184. Play or musical

185. Movie quote

186. City

187. Country

188. Board game

189. Card game

190. Holiday

191. Subject in school

192. Artist

Travel-Related Questions for Car Rides

193. What's the nicest hotel you've stayed at?

194. Did you camp growing up?

195. Describe a meal you've had while on the road.

196. Have you ever ridden in a convertible?

197. Do you ever fly first class?

198. Who's someone you met on a trip?

199. How old were you when you first saw the ocean?

200. What don't you like about traveling?

201. Who's someone that's always on your road trip playlist?

202. How far do you live from your hometown?

203. Have you been on a cruise?

204. What's your preferred method of travel?

205. What city in the world would you like to explore the most?

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Trivia Questions for a Road Trip

206. What are the original 13 colonies?

207. In what order are the colors of a rainbow?

208. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

209. Name three people who signed the Constitution.

210. What were the ancient seven wonders of the world?

211. Name the five Great Lakes.

212. List all four oceans.

213. Name ten capitals from countries around the world.

214. Which states does U.S. Route 69 go through?

215. Name four songs with a town in the name.

216. Top ten selling singing artists/bands of all time.

First-Time Questions for a Road Trip

217. Concert

218. Movie in a movie theater.

219. Sleepover

220. Job

221. Crush (first name only)

222. Celebrity crush

223. Home

224. Job after college.

225. Book you remember reading.

226. Car

227. Kiss

228. Broken bone.

229. Was there a time you lived alone?

230. Professional sporting event.

Food & Drink Car Ride Questions

231. Do you have any food allergies?

232. How do you take your coffee?

233. What's your favorite soda?

234. Is it soda or pop?

235. On your birthday, what dessert would you request?

236. What's the strangest food you ever tried?

237. Favorite donut.

238. Favorite cookie.

239. What kind of chips do you like?

240. What's a famous recipe in your family?

241. Your community is compiling a cookbook. What recipe do you share?

242. What's a food unique to the region where you live?

243. Do you prefer red or white wine?

244. What do you typically eat for breakfast?

245. Your neighborhood hosts a cocktail hour; what do you bring?

246. Is there a vegetable you won't eat?

247. What soup is your favorite?

248. What do you like on your cheesecake?

249. Which flavor of pie is your favorite?

250. What toppings do you put on your hamburger?

251. What toppings do you put on your hot dog?

252. Have you ever grown your own food?

253. Favorite fast food.

254. How do you say croissant?

255. Are you hungry yet? :)

Up Next: 300 Trivia Questions