Who Asked For This Absurd $1,290 'T-Shirt Shirt'?

Photo credit: Courtesy
Photo credit: Courtesy

From Men's Health

You know those times when you're not sure if the spot you're going to is fancy or casual, and you can't quite decide whether to wear a T-shirt or a button-up? And instead of deciding what to do, you just stare wistfully into your closet for a few hours, wishing some designer would come through and create something to satisfy either scenario?

Apparently, those designers are at Balenciaga. The minds behind the high-end fashion house decided to solve that problem by creating this $1,290 "T-Shirt Shirt," which is currently available for pre-order.

But Balenciaga's idea of a solution isn't exactly a fit (literally) for everyone. Mostly, Twitter users have been responding with a mix of unchecked confusion and some pretty great memes. Behold.

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