What August’s Super Full Moon in Aquarius Means for Your Zodiac Sign

On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, the Full Moon in Aquarius will peak at 2:31 p.m. ET– marking the first of two supermoons gracing the skies this month.

Summer has been one wild astrological ride – and it's about to get even weirder. Every month, the lunar cycle moves from the new moon to the full moon and back again. Each of these lunar phases carries a unique energy, and astrologers say tracking the cycles of the moon can help align your life with the stars. This month, there's an extra special lunar event that is sure to have everyone talking, a rare set of super full moons that culminates in a blue supermoon. On August 1, 2023, the Super Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius will take place. Then the month ends with the Super Blue Moon in Pisces on August 30, 2023.

La luna begins the month with a supermoon in Aquarius on August 1 that is bringing everything into focus. Supermoons are astronomical events where the moon appears bigger and brighter than the average full moon due to its close proximity to Earth. Supermoons exaggerate and amplify the qualities of the zodiac sign that it’s in. And the supermoon in Aquarius is your opportunity to release some pent-up frustration and act on your desire for deeper connections.

Jupiter also squares off with the moon this month – sharpening your intuition. This lunation is asking you to think of how you can show up more authentically in your life. Because Saturn rules this full moon, it’s helping you think of ways you can make smarter and more sustainable choices. Time to be honest about the ways your inner critic is limiting you – and regain control of the narrative. You’ll have the rest of the month to put these plans into motion before the second supermoon of August sends you into a haze.

On August 30, 2023, the Super Blue Moon in Pisces will open the portal between your dreams and reality. A blue moon is used to describe the second full moon that occurs in a month. It’s exciting enough to spot a blue moon in the sky – but this month’s event is a real treat. Blue supermoons are the result of a supermoon occurring as the second full moon in a month – making them extremely rare! The last blue supermoon was in December 2009, and the next one won't be until August 2032 (via Space.com). So be sure to mark your calendar for the dual supermoons that will set the tone for the rest of your summer.

Keep reading to see what the Super Full Moon in Aquarius has in store for your zodiac sign, plus tips for how to use the dual supermoons to your advantage.

The Spiritual Meaning of a Supermoon in Astrology

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A supermoon describes a full moon that is geographically closer than usual: this is known as perigee. During this time, the Moon is closer in proximity to the Earth, causing it to appear much larger and brighter than usual. These events aren’t just good for stargazing – they also hold a special significance in astrology. When a supermoon occurs – the energy of that transit will expand on a grand scale and have the potential to completely transform your life. This year, there are four supermoons occurring back to back.

2023 Supermoon Dates:

  • July 3, 2023: Super Buck Moon in Capricorn

  • August 1, 2023: Super Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius

  • August 20, 2023: Super Blue Moon in Pisces

  • September 29, 2023: Super Harvest Moon

The second supermoon of the year, the Full Sturgeon in Aquarius, takes place on August 1, 2023. According to The Old Farmers' Almanac, the Sturgeon Moon was first named after the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain that are active during this time of year. Sturgeons are dark and mysterious creatures that can survive for decades in hostile waters and spend most of their time living at the bottom of murky lakes. Every August, these modern-day sea monsters rise to the surface in search of relief. And if you’ve been feeling weighed down by the cosmic climate lately – it's time to purge it all.

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What To Expect From August’s Super Full Moon

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The August 2023 Super Full Moon in Aquarius peaks on August 1 at 2:31 p.m. ET – and it’s stirring up something that’s been lurking below the surface.

Because this full moon occurs at the start of Leo season, there’s a focus on releasing the need to be accepted. Leo is the prideful creative who knows how to command attention – whereas Aquarius is the elusive dreamer who prefers being an outsider. This month, the supermoon in Aquarius wants you to stop trying to fulfill everyone else's standards: and let go of your need to control the outcome. It’s time to break out of old thought patterns and behaviors. It’s okay to step back and just be for a moment. You are taking the time to return back to yourself, your dreams, your truth, and what matters most to you.

It’s important to remember that there are several retrograde planets causing a commotion. This includes Aquarius’ co-rulers, Saturn, which is currently retrograde in Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus, which begins its cosmic backspin on August 28. On top of that, Venus is currently retrograde in Leo, which is causing everyone’s insecurities to boil over. Something's gotta give. There's a lot that's still unclear to you, so acting on impulse isn't advised. As the full moon approaches: there will be a lot of information that comes to the surface, leaving you shocked and surprised by what you learn over the next few days.

You might face a harsh reality during this full moon, thanks to a tough square between the Sun and Moon to Jupiter. In astrology, Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and growth, as well as things you need to learn in order to evolve. And this full moon is giving you the courage to go your own way. The previous chapter is closing: and now you can clearly see the situations that have been holding you back. Full moons are an ideal time for remembering and realignment. Stop fixating on a single way of doing things or a single desired outcome. Aquarius is symbolic of the collective, and with so many retrograde planets currently active, it’s time to rethink how you co-create with the Universe.

RELATED: Your Ultimate Love, Money, and Beauty Guide to Venus Retrograde.

What Does the Sturgeon Moon Mean for Each Zodiac Sign?

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This month’s full supermoon will be most directly felt by the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). With both the Moon and Jupiter in fixed positions, these four zodiac signs should prepare to feel more emotionally reactive and temperamental this week. You’re proud of where you are in life and how far you’ve made it on your own hard work. And when other people who haven’t walked in your shoes challenge what you know – it can lead to a blow-up. Fight the urge to condescend to people who might deserve it and take the high road.

Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) should keep an eye out for information or secrets that unlock a problem that’s been haunting your dreams. Pluto is currently retrograding through cardinal energy, and it feels like you just can’t escape the past. This month’s full moon is clearing the air once and for all. You’re finally getting the facts straight – and you might not like what you learn (at first). If you are feeling emotional, frustrated, or let down, go ahead and let your emotions out. Anger, frustration, and disappointment aren’t meant to be held in.

And finally, the Super Full Moon in Aquarius will have mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) releasing limitations and going after your true desires. Mars in Virgo wants you to settle into a specific project for the next few months and really give it your all. Get out of your dreams (you’ve already got the blueprint) and get to work making things happen for yourself. This supermoon is a reminder that change doesn’t happen overnight. And you need to believe that you deserve the things you want out of life in order to materialize them. Nobody creates the standards for your life but you.

UP NEXT: Here's What You Need to Know About the Lunar Nodes Moving Into Aries and Libra.