Avatar 3 Release Date Confirmed by James Cameron

The next two Avatar films are on the way. Speaking with TV New Zealand, director James Cameron recently confirmed the release date of Avatar 3.

"We're into a very hectic two years of post production right now, so it'll be Christmas of '25," Cameron said of Avatar 3’s release, which is officially named Avatar: The Seed Bearer. That means its on track to launch exactly on the date he said it would previously: December 19, 2025.

<p>20th Century Studios</p>

20th Century Studios

A direct continuation of 2022’s Avatar: The Way of Water, which earned over a billion dollars at the box office, Avatar: The Seed Bearer focuses on a new clan of volcano-dwelling Na'vi.

With two years of post-production ahead of him, however, it’ll be a while before Cameron is ready to let us return to the world of Pandora.

He didn’t comment on Avatar 4 and 5, which were announced almost a decade ago, but reports say they’ll hit theaters December 2029 and December 2031 respectively.

That's if he's not attacked beforehand. Alien director Ridley Scott was pissed about Cameron's Aliens.