Baby Can't Control Her Giggles After Bird Sweetly Gives Her a Kiss

There’s nothing cuter than baby giggles—except when what prompted it was a sweet little bird giving the baby a kiss. This tiny parrot is definitely an affectionate little guy!

After the bird gave the baby a kiss, he said, “Thank you baby” clear as day. What a sweetheart!

This little duo is definitely going to grow up to become the best of friends. You can just tell how much the bird likes the baby, and the baby must like the bird too after the little smooch.

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This type of bird is an Indian ringneck, also known as the rose-ringed parakeet. These are a super social bird species that loves to be outgoing with their family. These birds can live up to 30 years!

This bird is going to be at this child’s side for a long time, and it looks like neither will mind. While some people may underestimate the capacity of birds, they are totally loving, social, and enjoy playing!

How to Bond With Your Bird

If you just got a new bird, you’re probably wondering how you can bond with him. The first way to start gaining trust with nearly any animal is through their stomach! Find out what type of treats the bird likes and start working with them slowly with treats.

Before long, your bird will become chatty, outgoing, and like to play with you. Practice holding out your hand for them to land on and give them a treat for it. Encouraging any type of physical contact is great since it will acclimate them to being touched and being around people.

Another way to bond with your bird is to encourage playing behavior. Get a few different toys out and they will be sure to be playing with you in no time. Playing is really important for birds because it teaches them new things.

Fun Facts About Parakeets

The parakeet is a flock bird, meaning that they like to congregate with other birds. If your bird is an only bird, then they will choose you to become part of their flock! That special relationship is one that should be cherished; some birds are picky about who they spend their time with.

You can tell a parakeet’s gender by the little spot of color above their beak. Most males will have a blue patch, while females typically have a brown one.

While you may expect a parakeet to just eat seeds and nuts, they are actually omnivores that enjoy digging into some insects as well. You can purchase some already prepared from the pet store to make for a delicious meal addition for your pet.