Barack Obama Joked That Michelle Would Leave Him If He Joined Joe Biden's Cabinet

Barack Obama Discussed the Effect His Presidency Had on His and Michelle's Marriage

In a new memoir, he wrote about the toll politics had on their relationship.

Barack Obama may have helped his former vice president Joe Biden campaign in the 2020 election, but now that Biden has been elected president, Obama isn't necessarily vying for a cabinet position.

The former president sat down with Gayle King on CBS This Morning, where she asked whether he had advice for his former running mate.

"He doesn't need my advice," Obama responded. "And I will help him in any ways that I can. But now, you know, I'm not planning to suddenly work on the White House staff or something."

"No cabinet position for you, Mr. President?" King asked.

"There are probably some things I would not be doing, 'cause Michelle would leave me," Obama joked. "She'd be like, 'What? You're doin' what?'"

During the interview, Obama discussed his new memoir A Promised Land, in which he writes about his presidency and the years following.

RELATED: Barack Obama Discussed the Effect His Presidency Had on His and Michelle's Marriage

In an excerpt published by CNN last week, he wrote of the toll his presidency took on his marriage, and tension the former first lady felt.

"It was as if, confined as we were within the walls of the White House, all her previous sources of frustration became more concentrated, more vivid, whether it was my round the clock absorption with work, or the way politics exposed our family to scrutiny and attacks, or the tendency of even friends and family members to treat her role as secondary in importance," he said.

He added that there were nights "lying next to Michelle in the dark, I'd think about those days when everything between us felt lighter, when her smile was more constant and our love less encumbered, and my heart would suddenly tighten at the thought that those days might not return."