"It Doesn't Signify Anything": 17 Things That People Think Are "Cool Flexes," And I'm Curious If You Agree That These Are Annoying

Sometimes there's nothing worse than when someone brags about things they low-key shouldn't be bragging about. I giggled when I read through this thread of people sharing things that some think are "flexes" when in reality they aren't. Here is what some people had to say.

a man smiling at his work desk

1."Never taking your PTO."


2."How little they sleep."

a person trying to sleep in bed
Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

3."Boasting about how much something they’re wearing costs even though you know they can’t afford it."


4."Rich kids trying to flex their parent's wealth."

girls asking, "What is Walmart?"
T. Kyle

5."Social media 'likes' because honestly, who really cares."


person receiving notifications on phone
Oscar Wong / Getty Images

6."Working insane hours. 'You only worked 60 hours this week? That's cute. I work 100-hour weeks every week, and I never take holidays.' That just sounds terrible."


7."Lots of exes! Do not be proud of the fact that either you're a terrible person or you have terrible decision-making skills."


8."Buying 'luxury' brands with gigantic logos all over it."


9."Buying the latest iPhone every year."

person holding up an iphone
Future Publishing / Future Publishing via Getty Images

10."Having not read a single book since middle school."


11."How much alcohol they can drink."


12."Not liking something. 'I don't watch TV' or 'I don't read books,' 'I don't watch sports,' or 'I don't like X music or X popular TV show,' or whatever. I mean, good for you. I don't like mayo, does that mean I'm a condiment connoisseur/snob and better than you?"


13."Being able to 'hold your liquor.'"

people with beers cheersing
Nicolas Micolani / Getty Images/iStockphoto

14."Cars. It's a car — a point A to B machine. Great, it goes 300 mph in seconds. When are you ever going to use that?"


15."Knowing an artist before their glow up."


16."Wearing Canada Goose parkas in above-freezing temperatures. It looks stupid."


17."Having the American Express Platinum credit card. It’s just a credit card with competitive rewards and a high annual fee. It doesn’t signify that you’re rich or in 'the club.'"


Is there any other "flex" that you find annoying? Share it with me in the comments below!