Becca Addresses Bachelorette Instagram Scandal

Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC

From Cosmopolitan

Pre-premiere scandal arose when it was revealed one of Becca's cookie cutter suitors on The Bachelorette had a bad habit of liking racist, sexist, and otherwise derogatory posts on an Instagram account that has since been deleted.

Garrett Yrigoyen, who took home Becca's first impression rose, conveniently claimed that old account was hacked in a post from his new, squeaky clean Insta account. Which, sure Garrett! Whatever you say. Totally makes sense for someone to go through the trouble of hacking an Instagram account only to like certain posts.

While ABC has yet to address the controversy (the network currently has a lot on its hands), Becca spoke out about Garrett's shady behavior in an interview with E!. Basically, her response is... not a response at all.

"I've heard a little bit about it these past couple days," Becca told E!. "I've just been so busy traveling around the country with press that I haven't really been able to read too much up on it. But everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and at the end of the day, I wanted to go on this journey to open up myself and have people see my love story unfold, and I would hope that they would stay open and respect me but also stay open and respect these 28 guys that went along on the journey with me."

As E! reports, there are no phones or computers allowed during the taping of the show. So it's not unfathomable that Becca (who's own Instagram activity includes a post from the Women's March in 2017) would have been in the dark about Garrett's suspicious Instagram patterns.

"I feel like I got a much better picture of who these 28 guys were, as opposed to just looking on their social media and trying to make a decision of who they were by not talking to them," Becca said.

The rest of her statement is confusing, and doesn't totally add up with Garrett's response that he was hacked. Becca continues:

"People form their own opinions, but at the end of the day, I know who I am and my friends and family know the type of person who I am, and I can only hope the guys feel that same way," she said. "It's going to be tough. I think social media is a huge presence in our lives these days. There's no getting around that fact. It's difficult for people to say certain things about any of these guys, and so I would really just hope that they watch the entire journey and get to know them for who they really are."

None of that really means anything, except "please watch my journey," (Becca, WE ARE!!!). But riddle me THIS: Why would Becca be concerned about the opinions people form, and keeping an open mind, if this was all just the result of a hack, as Garrett claims? I don't work in PR, but it seems like the smarter thing for Becca to do here would've been to double-down on Garrett's statement, and say something about how being in the spotlight opens you up to hacking, or something like that.

I'll leave you with this: Becca shouldn't have sent home Joe the grocer! Bring back Joe the grocer.

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