[UPDATE] Ben & Jerry’s Snackable Cookie Dough Is FINALLY Coming To Freezer Aisles Soon

Photo credit: Ben & Jerry's
Photo credit: Ben & Jerry's

From Delish

UPDATE: April 3, 2019 at 1:49 p.m.

It's happening, people...Ben & Jerry's genius snackable cookie dough is finally going to be available ALL over the country starting this month! As you may remember, the ice cream brand tested the Cookie Dough Chunks in Vermont last summer, and people went W-I-L-D.

According to Ben & Jerry's innovation manager, Jody Eley, "Fans snatched up the dough in record time. Bags flew off the shelves in mere days, and stores could not keep the delicious dough bites in stock! Now, Ben & Jerry's is rollin' out the dough to fans across the US."

The dough chunks come in 1/2 pound bags, with eight perfect servings of the very same dough you devour in your favorite Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors. The best part? It's safe to eat raw, because the dough contains pasteurized eggs and heat-treated flour, per a press release.

Photo credit: Ben & Jerry's
Photo credit: Ben & Jerry's

You can choose from Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough or Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Ben & Jerry's added a vegan version of the Chocolate Chip flavor, as well. Next time you're at the grocery store, be sure to hit the frozen aisle. The Cooke Dough Chunks will be available at participating retailers, scoop shops, and online, for $4.99.

Good luck not eating the entire bag in one sitting!

ORIGINAL POST: August 21, 2018 at 5:03 p.m.

You guys. YOU GUYS. You know those sweet little pockets of cookie dough in Ben & Jerry's ice creams? Well, they're growing up and leaving the nest, and I promise this is really, really great news even though it sounds really scary, and quite honestly a little creepy.

Ben & Jerry's launched snackable cookie dough - Cookie Dough Chunks, they're calling them. They're taking the exact edible cookie dough that you find in their pints of ice cream and bagging it up for you to eat sans frozen treat. (Though according to the packaging, they are meant to be stored in your freezer.) Right now, packs of chocolate chip cookie dough and peanut butter chocolate chip cookie dough are sitting on shelves ... but only in Vermont.

You see, this is just a little test run in Ben & Jerry's home state, and depending on the success, they might launch nationwide. And when I think about that word - might - I freeze. The emotion bubbles up, and it becomes impossible to form coherent thoughts. So instead, I'll leave you with some words from The Temptations.

Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin'. (Can I call you that?)

Ain't too proud to plead, baby, baby. (We're deep in this nickname thing, sorry.)

Email Ben & Jerry's. Call Ben, call Jerry. Tweet them. Send them a carrier pigeon. If you're in Vermont, buy out the entire stock. Do anything you can to let them know that the snackable cookie dough is important and should be brought to stores all over the country. Heck, maybe they should even be sold on the world wide web. Because Vermont's great and all, I just don't have time to go there whenever I have a cookie dough hankering, you know?

Photo credit: Con Poulos
Photo credit: Con Poulos

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