The Benefits of Cold Showers Will Make You Rethink Your Bathing Habits

Woman taking a shower
Woman taking a shower

CentralITAlliance/Getty Images

Thanks to the novel invention of the water heater, most of us don't have to endure a cold shower unless we're the last to use it or someone (so kindly) flushes the toilet mid-scrub. However, experts suggest we may want to start turning the dial to cold on purpose to reap the benefits of cold showers, like a revved metabolism, better mood, improved immunity, and shiny hair. (Related: Is It Better for Your Health to Shower at Night or In the Morning?)

First, the beauty benefits of taking cold showers. "A cold shower leaves oils in the skin for natural moisture," explains Jessica Krant, M.D. "Any water exposure strips away the skin's natural oils, but hot water does this much faster." The less time spent underwater, the better, Krant adds. And this is more likely to happen when you're uncomfortable in a cold shower than a warm one.

Fortunately, you don't have to be in there for long to reap the immunity benefits of cold showers. A study showed that 5 to 7 minutes of swimming in 60-degree water amped-up white blood cell count and increased the concentration of helper T cells. "Cold is much more of a shock, [which] kicks the cardiovascular system into high gear to ramp up metabolism for the day," says Krant. There is some research that suggests the cold chill also activates brown fat, which can help burn calories. (Related: Hot or Cold: What's the Best Way to Shower After a Workout?)

Does the thought of 10 minutes in an ice-cold shower sound tortuous? Start with ending the last two minutes of your shower at a cool 68 degrees. A study investigating depression used this method and found that that temp lifted the moods of their subjects over a two-week period.

And, according to Krant, there are beauty benefits to a brief cold shower too. "Ending a shower with a blast of cold water will help seal down the cuticle, or outer layer, of the hair shaft. When the cuticle is sealed flat, instead of raised up like shingles, the hair shaft is more translucent and reflective, giving it a glow and shine difficult to achieve when a rough cuticle causes dullness." (Related: People Are Hanging Eucalyptus In Their Showers for This Surprising Reason)

The bottom line: While these studies do show ice shower benefits, they aren't going to be instantly life-transforming (or cure depression or leave you with luscious locks overnight), but, hey, we're open to nudging our shower faucet toward the blue every now and then. It's worth the lower energy bill, at the very least!