The Best Outlander Love Scenes to Ever Steam Up Your Small Screen—Caution, NSFW!

There’s no doubt that Outlander’s sex scenes have been some of the best on TV ever, and not because the show features the most gratuitous nudity (a Season 1 full-frontal shot of star Sam Heughan even got left on the cutting room floor at the actor’s request). It’s because the show’s love scenes are the most authentic, the most emotional, the most intimate without feeling exploitative. Outlander is purposefully filmed with the “female gaze” in mind—and no, that’s not a reference to the camera lingering on Jamie’s beautiful body. It means that the story—even the sexual parts of it—is based on the female perspective and experience, which is why women viewers find it so hot.

It doesn’t hurt that the actors who play our favorite 18th-century Scotsman and his time-traveling 20th-century wife, Heughan and Caitriona Balfe, have major chemistry. Although the first few seasons featured many of our favorite passionate moments—Season 4 was a little light on the Claire/Jamie romance—the show delivered on Balfe’s promise to that viewers could expect more in Season 5. Season 6 continued the sexy streak, and also brought an intimacy coordinator on board for the first time to assure the actors felt comfortable enough to do their best work, resulting in some of the best sex of the entire series. And with Season 7 premiering June 16, we're hoping for even more tantalizing love scenes when it drops on for a special offer of $5 a month for three months.

In the meantime, here are the Outlander sex scenes we’ve most loved to see. Caution, spoilers ahead!

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Season 1 Episode 7, “The Wedding”

Claire and Jamie’s Wedding Night

Viewers had to wait more than six long episodes before Jamie and Claire finally go to bed (“To bed? Or to sleep?” as Jamie asks Claire in this episode)—but it was worth the wait. There are actually three acts of love in this episode over the course of one night. The first is a bit bumbling, as virgin Jamie thinks people have sex the way horses do (from behind), and then ends up nearly crushing Claire under his body weight. That awkwardness may be realistic, but their second go is where they really discover their stride. Claire cries out, and sweet Jamie thinks he’s hurt her—when Claire explains she actually felt pleasure, Jamie asks if that happens every time. “Only if the man is a very good lover,” she says. Later, after Jamie gives Claire his mother’s pearls, the couple make love one more time.

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Season 1 Episode 8, “Both Sides Now”

Sex in the Grass

Jamie and Claire are still in the honeymoon “let’s do it wherever and whenever” phase of their relationship. So, they take it to the Scottish countryside to make love al fresco—because why not? Well, we can think of a reason: There could be marauding redcoats about, which is exactly what occurs. Although their partially nude moment is short and sweet before Claire has to put a dagger in a malicious soldier, it’s still probably one of the most stunning locales for a love scene, even an interrupted one.

Season 1 Episode 9, “The Reckoning”

Makeup Sex—with a Knife

One of the most controversial moments in the book plays out in this episode, in which Jamie punishes Claire for disobeying him with a traditional 18th-century belt slapping. This is almost unforgivable for Claire (and for viewers), but hearts are softened when Jamie grovels as he realizes what an outdated, horrible thing it is to “discipline” your wife. “If ever my hand is raised in rebellion against you again, then I ask that this holy iron may pierce my heart,” he says while holding his knife. So Claire forgives him with some steamy makeup sex—while she, positioned on top of him, holds the dagger to his throat. “If you ever raise a hand to me again, James Fraser, I will cut your heart out and have it for breakfast, do you understand me?” she says. Yes, yes, he does.

Related: A Guide to the Outlander Book Series—Plus, Exclusive Intel from Author Diana Gabaldon

Season 1 Episode 10, “By the Pricking of My Thumbs”

Jamie Learns a New Skill

This episode starts with a bang—although at first we’re not sure what we’re looking at, then we see Jamie’s red hair popping up from between Claire’s legs. Lest we forget Jamie had never been with anyone before Claire, he’s certainly taken to pleasing his new wife with gusto. Even a persistent banging on the door by his friend Murtaugh can’t deter Jamie—he insists Claire finish before he answers. Now that’s dedication.

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Season 1 Episode 11, “The Devil’s Mark”

Jamie Uses His Hands

Jamie proves what a giver he is in this episode as well. After being accused of being a witch (because...18th century), Claire has to come clean and tell Jamie she’s from the future—and she best go back before she’s burned at the stake. On what he thinks will be their last night together, Jamie touches Claire—and when she tries to reciprocate, he declines. “No, I want to watch you,” he says. It’s an unexpected and, on Jamie’s part, generous way to end their relationship—although luckily for him, Claire decides to stay.

Season 1 Episode 1, “Sassenach”

Oh Yes, Frank!

Before we leave season 1, we can’t forget about Frank, Claire’s original husband in her present-day of 1945. After World War II, the couple is trying to reconnect, and as Claire’s voiceover explains, they use sex to do so. There are two love scenes here—in one, Frank kneels before Claire in Scottish ruins and discovers, “Why, Mrs. Randall, I do believe you left your undergarments at home.” In the other, they make love in their hotel bed. Although it’s hard to compete with Jamie, Frank was Claire’s first love, after all.

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Season 2 Episode 4, “La Dame Blanche”

Pregnancy Sex

After being in a Droughtlander of their own, Claire and Jamie finally come together again. Claire is pregnant with their first child, but that doesn’t stop her—and why should it?—from coming to Jamie’s room and straddling him while he lovingly touches her belly. “Come find me, Jamie,” Claire says. “Find us.” The whole scene is gorgeously lit with a blue light as the couple rediscover their rhythm.

Season 2 Episode 13, “Dragonfly in Amber”

Goodbye Sex

Unfortunately, this time it’s goodbye for real for Jamie and Claire. But before she travels back to the future, they have one swift, sad, desperate act of love in front of the stones at Craig Na Dun. “Lord, you gave me a rare woman, and God, I loved her well,” he tells her before they both collapse on the ground. After, they say their wedding vows again (“Blood of my blood and bone of my bone, as long as we both shall live”), Jamie helps Claire to the stones. It’s a heartbreaking moment.

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Season 3 Episode 6, “A. Malcolm”

Reunited, and It Feels So Good

Was it only five episodes that Jamie and Claire were apart? It seemed like forever! Which is why when Claire finally makes her way back to the 1700s after 20 years in the 20th century, you’d expect them to just get right to it. But it’s not that easy—they have to rediscover each other, so instead they spend a good long portion of this episode…talking. “I’ve burned for you for so long, do you not know that?” Jamie confesses. Claire’s a little nervous to reveal her body to Jamie after all these years, and there’s a bit of head-on-nose bonking that breaks the tension. Then, they decide they’re ready. “Do it now, and don’t be gentle!” Claire exclaims. Just like riding a bike.

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Season 3 Episode 11, “Uncharted”

Turtle Soup

While on the ship that brings them to the Caribbean and then finally to America, Jamie and Claire have a few instances of Boat Sex, which mostly just looks very uncomfortable. But one scene is forever burned into viewers’ minds—it's the one in which Claire gets a bit tipsy off a mix of medication, fever and aphrodisiac turtle soup. After Jamie makes sure flirty Claire is with it enough to give consent, the couple has playful, drunken, standing-up sex. Uncomfortable, maybe, but still hot.

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Season 4 Episode 8, “Wilmington”

Roger and Brianna’s Handfast

Yes, there are other characters who have love scenes, too! Jamie and Claire’s daughter, Brianna, and her 20th century boyfriend, Roger, have traveled back in time to be with Brianna’s parents—and each other. But Roger’s a little old-fashioned, so Brianna agrees to a traditional Scottish wedding ritual called “handfasting” before they make love. It’s sweet and gentle—unfortunately, their first time is swiftly followed by their first fight.

Season 4 Episode 6, “Blood of My Blood”

In the Bathtub

We don’t get a lot of Claire and Jamie alone time in season 4 (maybe it has to do with sharing a one-room cabin with their family and friends in the American wilderness?) but they do get to enjoy a sensual fireside bath—well, Claire does anyway, as Jamie washes her. “This water on your skin, caressing you. It makes me jealous of the rain itself,” he says. This man is pure poetry. Then, Jamie reveals a gift for his wife: a replacement wedding band for the one that was previously stolen. Jamie lifts Claire out of the tub and carries her to the bed. We don’t see a lot, but what we do see is intensely romantic.

Related: A Jamie Fraser Appreciation Post! Our 10 Favorite Sam Heughan Scenes from Outlander

Season 5 Episode 1, “The Fiery Cross”

Three Couples and a Wedding, 32:34

Roger and Brianna are finally making it official with a proper wedding, and as the guests enjoy the evening revels, back in their cabin Roger serenades Bree with the 20th-century ditty “L-O-V-E.” What follows is a joyous, even humorous montage to the tune, following not just the happy couple, but Claire and Jamie as they get into it while trying not to wake little Jemmy, who they're babysitting; plus, silver fox Murtaugh and his long-lost love, Aunt Jocasta, have old people sex in their forest hideaway. It’s a nice beginning to a season that promises more nookie than the one before.

Season 5 Episode 7, “The Ballad of Roger Mac”

Happy Birthday, Jamie!, 8:10

It’s Jamie’s 50th birthday—is he the fittest 50-year-old or what?—and he and Claire are preparing for war when they wake in their battlefield tent. But before all the action, the couple enjoys some action of their own. Jamie notes that although he’s a year older, all his parts are in working order, before Claire climbs on top of Jamie and disrobes while giving him a Marilyn Monroe-esque rendition of “Happy Birthday.” Not a bad start to a new year!

Season 5 Episode 11, “Journeycake”

Hot Flash Sex in the Window, 30:40

Before bed, Claire puts on her “special perfume”—but Jamie has already fallen asleep while reading. Later that night, she wakes up with night sweats, and opens a window to cool off. As Jamie comes to her and embraces her, she tells him she’s been sweating, and they proceed to list all the things the other smells like—her, the food they had for dinner; him, gunpowder, hay and the “faintest whiff of manure”—sexy! Then, noting she’s wearing the perfume she usually puts on before lovemaking, Jamie lifts her onto the window sill (this seems dangerous, no?) and proceeds to go down on her. Maybe menopause isn’t so bad after all!

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Season 6 Episode 1, “Echoes”

Claire’s First Time Post-Trauma, 41:55

This sweetly romantic scene reflects how emotionally connected Claire and Jamie are, and how she is able to use that connection to heal the trauma from her brutal assault at the end of season 5. In this pre-bedtime scene, Jamie recalls his incarceration in the prison Ardsmuir, saying that Claire was always with him. “Sometimes I think you’re an angel, Claire” he says. When she asks, “Would an angel do this?” as she kisses him and they undress, she initiates their renewed sexual connection. He replies, “Maybe I’ve died and gone to heaven,” as Claire, on top, remains in control.

Season 6 Episode 2, “Allegiance”

Jamie’s Ready, 22:23

After returning from meeting with the Cherokee (where he resisted the temptations of two Native American women who entered his tent), Jamie is turned on and ready to pounce on Claire the moment he sees her. “I missed ya, Sassenach, I must have ya,” he says as they do it standing up in their bedroom. Downstairs, their maid notices the racket from the floor above, in a throwback to a scene in the series' first episode when a hotel clerk heard the noise upstairs from Claire and Frank. Afterward, Claire and Jamie enjoy some raunchy postcoital pillow talk on the floor.

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Season 6 Episode 4, “Hour of the Wolf”

Young Ian’s Lost Love, 16:37

In flashback, we see the cause of Young Ian’s anguish and the reason he left the Mohawk. He fell in love with a woman there, who he marries. They make love, with her positioned on top as he gently cups her breasts before she collapses on top of him, and they remain locked in that embrace. Sadly, after she loses multiple babies, Ian is asked to leave the Mohawk because his "spirit is not strong enough," and his wife chooses another. Will he ever see her again? That’s a storyline we might look forward to in Season 7.

Season 6 Episode 8, “I Am Not Alone”

Camping Nookie, 17:41

Brianna and Roger are on a road trip, 18th-century style. As they set up camp for the night, with young Jemmy in an adjoining tent, Bree admires a wooden car Roger has whittled. He runs the toy over Bree’s body, remembering actual road trips in the 20th century, and as they reminisce, Roger says he wants to “explore the terrain” further. After struggling to find a comfortable position on the hard ground, Bree ends up on top and enjoys the ride.

Under Siege Sex, 33:05

We have to end our list the way we began this season, with Claire and Jamie connecting emotionally through sex during difficult circumstances. Their last love scene of Season 6 occurs while their house is under attack and Claire is accused of murder. Holed up in their bedroom before Claire is taken away, they make love, clearly worried about what’s to come. “I’m so scared,” Claire says as Jamie enfolds her in his embrace once again. What will happen? We’ll have to wait for Season 7!

Next, Everything We Know So Far About Outlander's 8th and Final Season