Best SW Florida reader photos include Sanibel, Naples and Fort Myers nature pics

Do you have a picture from paradise you’d like to share with Tropicalia readers? We’d love to print it. Email photos to [email protected]. Be sure to include your full name, where you took the picture and what kind of camera or phone you used. Get snapping!

Note: Photos submitted to Tropicalia are not guaranteed to run.

Clouds over Sanibel causeway. Taken with an Apple iPad.
Clouds over Sanibel causeway. Taken with an Apple iPad.
A red-crowned woodpecker along the North Cape Flats Trail. Taken with a Sony A6600 with a 70-350 lens.
A red-crowned woodpecker along the North Cape Flats Trail. Taken with a Sony A6600 with a 70-350 lens.
An American white pelican soliciting the opinon of a pair of cormorants at Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge. Taken with a Canon Rebel T6i at f/5.6 and 1/1600 sec.
An American white pelican soliciting the opinon of a pair of cormorants at Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge. Taken with a Canon Rebel T6i at f/5.6 and 1/1600 sec.
Carol Heffernan writes, “The Naples Botanical Garden is amazing all year long, but when the lotus bloom, in the summer, I make sure to visit several times to catch their beauty.” Taken with Nikon D7500, iso 1000, F8, SS 1/1000.
Carol Heffernan writes, “The Naples Botanical Garden is amazing all year long, but when the lotus bloom, in the summer, I make sure to visit several times to catch their beauty.” Taken with Nikon D7500, iso 1000, F8, SS 1/1000.
A Gulf fritillary (aka a passion butterfly) taken at the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed. Taken with a Sony A7iii.
A Gulf fritillary (aka a passion butterfly) taken at the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed. Taken with a Sony A7iii.

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This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Best Sanibel, Fort Myers, SWFL photos: Lotus bloom, woodpecker, more