What Are the Best (and Worst) Airlines for Surfers?
We've all been there: Booked a cheap flight online, only to show up at the check-in counter, where they tack on an exorbitant fee for your surfboards. That $500 roundtrip airfare can easily double (and even triple) if you haven't done your research and end up choosing the wrong airline. It's a quick way to ruin a surf trip before it even gets started.
Fortunately, Dan Harmon, who runs a reader (or maybe we should say watcher?) service for surfers on YouTube, has already done the research for us, breaking down the good, bad and the ugly as it relates to surfboard baggage fees in 2023.
Click play above for the full rundown, and click over to his YouTube for a comprehensive list of airlines that offer free surfboards, charge $100 or less, and $150 or more.
This is a must-watch before you book your next flight.
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