Beyoncé Called a Young Fan Who Was in Tears After Watching "Black Is King"

Photo credit: Kevin Winter - Getty Images
Photo credit: Kevin Winter - Getty Images

From Oprah Magazine

One young Beyoncé fan just got the sweetest surprise: A phone call from the Grammy winner herself. After Beyoncé's mom, Tina Knowles Lawson, posted a video of young Tshepang in tears after watching the visual album Black Is King, the clip quickly went viral. Overcome with emotion, Tshepang can be seeing crying, "it's so beautiful," over and over.

After sharing the video, Lawson wrote on Instagram: "This has me in tears. It makes all the stress and worry, all the haters, and negativity that was put out there to try to destruct, tear down and deter from her intentions. But this video makes it all worth while!!!!," She added to the clip—originally posted by Tshepang's aunt, Rea Khoetha: "This is the message that Beyonce worked so hard to convey, I prayed hard that the message would get through and that little black girls everywhere could see the beauty that is in our Black people and our culture and our ancestors."

Days later, Khoetha tweeted: "I really spoke to Beyoncé." Although she says she couldn't give away too much, she went on to tweet, "She just wanted to personally thank my niece for such a beautiful reaction to her love letter to Africa. She also wanted to tell her how gorgeous she is and tell her, quote 'You are my gift.'"

Of course, Lawson stepped in to co-sign and let everyone know that Beyoncé did indneed speak to Tshepang—and said that she had nothing to do with it. "I was so happy she thought to call her in Africa without me asking her, ??????" she said.

Lawson also went on to share just how much of a positive impact Black Is King is having on young Black girls. "This movie of videos , especially 'Brown Skin Girl' touched so many girls, and women as well!!" she wrote.

The visual album was released last month on Disney+. (Don't worry; if you haven't watched as yet, here's how you can.) The project is a celebration of Black people and their culture, inspired by the Disney classic, The Lion King. On Good Morning America, Beyoncé said that the project is meant to show that Black is regal. "My hope for this film is that it shifts the global perception of the word 'Black,' which has always meant inspiration and love and strength and beauty to me," she said.

It's safe to say that her message has certainly been heard and received by Black men, women, and children everywhere. Khoetha tweeted again on behalf of her niece, and how grateful Tshepang is for everyone's response, "She can't believe expressing herself so honestly has gotten her seen so far. She says thank you to #blackisking for helping her love her blackness even more."

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