
A Big Blindside Breaks Up the Most Powerful Pair on 'Survivor 45'

Mike Bloom
2 min read

Dee Valladares and Julie Alley compete in a Reward Challenge on 'Survivor 45'

This week's episode of Survivor 45 nearly felt like deja vu. After receiving every vote against her last round, Julie was the clear next target, as many thought they could sail safely into the finale. But this was a second chance for more than just Julie, as the numbers came together behind-the-scenes to break up the tightest pair in the game.

Check out more information about tonight's episode below and find out who was voted out.

Related: Everything to Know About Survivor 45

Who got voted off on Survivor 45 tonight?

Drew Basile

"A tragic time old story about a guy who goes into Survivor with a lot of brain power and a little bit too much confidence." That's how Drew describes his complete blindside. The graduate student had schooled his competition up to that point, in control of every vote to help get the Rebas to a majority. But once there, he already had eyes for the endgame, starting with Julie. Unfortunately, his first shot at her missed, as she saved herself with an idol. But he thought the second would be the death blow, and he could sail to the Final Three with Dee and Austin. The rest of the tribe, though, had other plans. Julie wanted revenge, and Jake and Katurah wanted a move to their names. So they came together with Dee to leave the gregarious Drew speechless at Tribal Council.

Were any advantages found or played on Survivor 45 tonight?

Yes! Austin played the sole remaining "Advantage Amulet" that had turned into an idol, as it was the last night to do. Unfortunately, he played it on himself rather than Drew, who was voted out. Additionally, Jake 

Related: Meet the Full Cast of Survivor 45

Who's left in the game on Survivor 45?

Austin Li Coon

Dee Valladares

Jake O'Kane

Julie Alley

Katurah Topps

Next, check out our interview with Emily Flippen, who was voted out in Survivor 45 Episode 11.
