Billie Eilish Finally Got Her Ring Back After a Fan Stole It At a Concert

From Seventeen

Finally, a story with a happy ending! Billie Eilish's stolen ring has been returned to her, after a complicated string of events that includes a concert, a twitter detective, and some very angry fans.

It all started earlier this month when Billie was playing at Austin City Limits. The singer walked through the crowd as fans adoringly reached out to her, but by the time she got back on stage, she realized her ring was missing.

Billie played it cool though, telling who over got the ring to "keep that sh*t and "take care of that sh*t."

Some fans, though, weren't happy that someone stole from Billie and the investigation began. Before long, one Twitter user procured a video of a woman at the Austin concert telling a security guard that her ring dropped when she held Billie's hand. She asks the security guard to help her pick up the ring for her, and he does.

The woman in the video later revealed to TMZ that, while the "footage looks shady" she just wanted to take a picture with the ring and she later gave it to a staff member at the concert in the hopes that it would be returned to Billie.

Well, her plan worked, because on Sunday, Billie posted a pic of her ring on her Instagram story. "THE RING HAS BEEN RETURNED," she wrote, thanking whoever returned it.

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

Honestly, I'm just glad this story has a happy ending. And, FYI, if you want Billie's ring, you don't have to steal it. It's actually super affordable!

Follow Carolyn on Instagram.

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