Your Black Love Day Horoscope, by Zodiac Sign

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Buckleitner
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Buckleitner

Not going to lie: The fact that there’s a holiday that celebrates love during February is worth feeling joyful about. And no, I'm not talking about Valentine’s Day. In Washington, D.C. in 1993, Ayo Handy-Kendi founded Black Love Day, which takes place annually on February 13 (check out that link for details on this year's celebrations and where to send donations). The goals of Black Love Day are to manifest peace, end violence, terminate Black self-hated, and end white supremacy and racism. And in the words of the African American Holiday Association, “If you’re not a Black person, it is recommended to show love in action towards Black people, by working on your own racial attitudes and behaviors.”

Of course, Black love is something to celebrate every single day of the year. Similar to Valentine’s Day, Black Love Day is a day when it's nice to set aside extra time to enjoy love. BTDubbs, this year Black Love Day falls on a Sunday, so unlike Monday, there’s time for a date during breakfast, brunch, lunch, drinks, and dinner.

The astrology of Black Love Day 2022 is pretty hawt. The Moon will be in the culturally-minded zodiac sign of Cancer. Even though Cancer placements can seem pretty low-key and keep to themselves often, when you get them started about what’s culturally significant to them, you’ll find they are quite vocal. The Moon in Cancer brings a sentimental vibration to this holiday, providing ancestral company during the dates we go out on. Plus, the Moon in Cancer is in opposition with Venus and Mars in Capricorn, reminding us not to be phased by haters or outdated beauty standards. Black Love Day has been celebrated for 29 years and serves as a reminder that being Black is beautiful.

Read your Black Love Day horoscope:


Spend time appreciating those around you, namely your acquaintances and community members. Sometimes what stands out the most is a compliment from someone you might not know very well. Be respectful, which I’m sure you’ll have no issues doing! Consider a digital Black Love Day date, and you may end up surprised by the outcome.


You may find that traveling is difficult during this time, even though I’m sure you’d love to get away to Nairobi or Kingston. Use your imagination and take time for a staycation. Trying out a new recipe or supporting a Black-owned restaurant will provide you with a satisfying Black Love Day. Don’t feel pressured to have a date—self-love is just as valid!


Intimacy for you looks like opening up and sharing your cultural perspectives and views with others. You’ll be surprised how much you share with someone, even if they don’t have the same exact background as you. Lead with an open mind and take your time; soulmates don’t need to rush.


Lead with self-compassion. A lot of your energy is geared towards your friendships and partnerships, which is noble and sweet of you. When prioritizing your close relationships, make sure that you’re carving out me time as well. Treat yourself to a bean pie or coconut drop candies—appeasing your sweet tooth makes life taste a lot sweeter.


Black Love Day might be a little overwhelming for you because you feel compelled to juggle and manage multiple tasks. Out of respect for your hustle, make sure that you take time to unwind and enjoy love. There is someone close to you who would love to go out on a date. If you can make time for them, you should.


Whether or not you’re single on Black Love Day, the stars are in your favor. Consider taking yourself out or having an early evening with friends. You never know who you’ll run into, and Black Love Day surely is a cool conversation starter. Bonding over culture with a stranger is the perfect way to flirt.


The responsibilities of home and life are tugging on your coattails. Thankfully, Black Love Day isn’t about neglecting your family. In fact, celebrating with family and sharing the holiday with them is great for spiritual bonding. Be open to conversations about anti-Blackness and show kindness if faced with unflattering commentary.


Scorpio, you might be trying to dodge love. The stars suggest that you’re actually supposed to be more open to it. There’s no need to overextend beyond your boundaries. Consider a cute at-home date. Ordering from your local Jamaican or soul food restaurant is a great way to add spice to your life.


The opportunity to open up is approaching, but are you ready to let yourself be sentimental? Culture and heritage can be difficult to talk about with others, especially if it’s not neatly and positively explained. Try not to overthink the sharing of your narrative—caring souls will want to listen.


Please take Black Love Day as a personal holiday to treat yourself. Your closet definitely has space for a unique ensemble that speaks to your heritage, if that’s your style. If you’re able to make time for a date, that’s even more of a reason to take time to spoil yourself. You’ll find the best fulfillment through supporting your local community members.


When you think about Black Love Day, what comes to mind? This day is calling upon you to be in tune with your spirit. Give respect to those who came before you through journaling, spoken word, and remembrance rituals today. A day at home looks like the way to go!


Black Love Day is an inspirational holiday, and if you’re not familiar with it, then I invite you to learn! Surrounding yourself around art created by Black visionaries will help get your imagination flowing. A coloring date with a lover or friend is a great way to spend this holiday, even if all you have time for is coloring half a page while on a video call.

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