Bobby Flay's Red Velvet Hot Chocolate is a Divine Dessert Mash-Up You Can't Beat

Bobby Flay's Red Velvet Hot Chocolate

I’ve never been on a cooking show, nor have I ever auditioned for one. But a fun pastime that we’ve adopted in my house is to play an episode of Beat Bobby Flay on the television whenever anyone in the kitchen is cooking up something good to eat.

Week after week, my house is full of wagers, guesses and banter on which contestant will make it to the next round and which dish will give them the best fighting chance. This tradition of having an imaginary competition is meant to add a lot of fun to the cooking experience at the Parker house.

Bobby Flay doesn’t know anything about us, but it definitely feels like we know a few things about Bobby. For instance, he always has trick up his sleeve by way of a secret ingredient that will turn a seemingly ordinary dish into one of the judge’s favorites. Even when things look bleak, you can never count Bobby Flay out. And for that reason, I’m willing to bet that no traditional recipe would be able to stand up to his modern mash-up of a classic cake and a beloved wintertime beverage.

What am I talking about? Bobby Flay's Red Velvet Hot Chocolate with Marshmallow Whipped Cream, which I knew I must try as soon as I read the recipe title. Here's what happened when I tried it in my kitchen.

Get the recipe: Red Velvet Hot Chocolate with Marshmallow Whipped Cream

Bobby Flays's Hot Chocolate Ingredients<p>Courtesy of Dante Parker</p>
Bobby Flays's Hot Chocolate Ingredients

Courtesy of Dante Parker

Ingredients for Bobby Flay’s Red Velvet Hot Chocolate

If I had the same pantry the contestants use in Beat Bobby Flay, this would have been a breeze. Since I don’t, I had to make a quick trip to Publix. The list of ingredients is short and not really what you think would be needed to make hot chocolate, but in Bobby We Trust.

For the whipped cream, you’ll need heavy cream, cream cheese (at room temperature), marshmallow crème, and vanilla extract. For the hot chocolate, you'll need milk, chopped semisweet chocolate, Dutch process cocoa powder, red food coloring and more vanilla extract.

Related: Bobby Flay Got His Start with an Easy Bake Oven

How to Make Bobby Flay’s Red Velvet Hot Chocolate

In the final rounds of Beat Bobby Flay when the contestants decide which of their signature dishes they wish to bring to the challenge, Flay often grabs a few unexpected ingredients that shock both the challenger and the judges. So to follow in true traditional Bobby Flay fashion, let's get started on the marshmallow whipped cream that we will later use to top off the hot chocolate.

First, whip the cream and cream cheese together until soft peaks begin to form. Next, fold in the marshmallow crème and then the vanilla extract. Easy enough. Set that aside and get started on the hot chocolate.

Bobby Flays's Hot Chocolate Mix<p>Courtesy of Dante Parker</p>
Bobby Flays's Hot Chocolate Mix

Courtesy of Dante Parker

In a small pot, bring the milk to a simmer. Stir in the chocolate and cocoa powder until it reaches a smooth consistency. Next, mix in the red food coloring and vanilla extract. Lastly, whisk the mixture until its very frothy, pour into cups and top it with a dollop of your marshmallow whipped cream. Voila! You’re now ready to serve and enjoy a red velvet hot chocolate directed by Bobby Flay himself. This time, everyone wins.

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What I Thought of Bobby Flay’s Red Velvet Hot Chocolate

Now I got a little carried away with the whipped cream and added a bit more than just a dollop. I found the cream to be a little heavy, and I wish it were a tad bit sweeter. Regardless, the marshmallow flavor was a great, much-needed accent. Because what’s a hot chocolate anyway without some marshmallows?

After finally being able to taste the hot chocolate underneath the blanket of whipped cream, I found that the actual beverage was full and velvety. The chocolate was not overly sweet and, as Bobby explained, the vanilla extract helps to accentuate the flavor of the chocolate. The hot chocolate was a bit too heavy for my taste, especially with the addition of the marshmallow whipped cream, but it definitely beats anything you could make from a box!

Bobby Flays's Hot Chocolate Final<p>Courtesy of Dante Parker</p>
Bobby Flays's Hot Chocolate Final

Courtesy of Dante Parker

Tip for Making Bobby Flay’s Red Velvet Hot Chocolate

Take it easy on the whipped cream. Be sure to use a lighter milk if you’re looking for something a little less dense. I used whole milk, but I think on the next go round I would opt for 2% or skim.

Up next: 31 of the All-Time Greatest Cake Recipes Everyone Should Try Once