Body language expert reveals truth behind Queen Elizabeth and Meghan Markle's relationship

It was a big day for Duchess Meghan, who stepped out on Thursday in Cheshire for her first solo engagement with Queen Elizabeth. Prince Harry, who has served as the new royal's confidant and official-curtsey-signaler, was absent -- so all eyes were fixated on the Duchess' new relationship with the monarch.

Body language experts helped weigh in on Meghan's emotions, "fidgety hands," and the interaction between the new Duchess and her grandmother-in-law. And how did it go? Pretty well, it seems, by royal standards.

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Here's what they found:

Meghan is particularly "concerned" about royal protocol, rightfully so. Meghan stayed a few steps behind Queen Elizabeth, deferring to her on a few occasions. Despite a little slip-up on who should enter the car first, she knew to let the queen lead.

Meghan was also a little nervous, as indicated by the slouched shoulders and fidgety hands.

Photo: Getty

Explained expert Judi James to Cosmopolitan: "While the Queen looks as confident as any woman who has been doing the job for a lifetime, the normally uber-confident Meghan looks sweetly tentative and diffident here. Her lowered head brings her hair around her face and her rather awkward arm position suggests she's still slightly in awe of her husband's grandmother."

Meghan's hair-touching habits also indicate a sense of nervousness, something that's been on the experts' radars since she stepped into the royal spotlight.

Photo: Getty

Aside from the Duchess' jitters, experts also noticed that the queen and Meghan shared a handful of laughs and smiles throughout the day. "The Queen having the best fun with Meghan beside her, sharing the laughter," explained Judi.

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"The Queen's clenched fists and her style of smile suggest she's chuckling in delight. Meghan's pose is still more demure, with her legs crossed at the ankle but her lowered head and her smile suggest she's clearly sharing the joke here." We're not sure we've seen the queen smile so much!

Related: See more from the big day: