What book to read this fall based on your Hogwarts house

You can learn a lot about someone based on their Hogwarts house. Generally speaking, Gryffindors are brave, courageous, and determined; Slytherins are cunning, ambitious, and proud; Ravenclaws value knowledge, wit, and wisdom; and Hufflepuffs are patient, loyal, and fair. Every house has its pros.

Many Harry Potter fans swear by what the Sorting Hat says. If you’re one of them, allow me to give you a tailored reading recommendation based on your Hogwarts house. And if you’re not one of them, you should definitely take the test over on Pottermore. It’ll only take a few minutes. Once you know your results, you’ll feel so incredibly seen.

I’m a Ravenclaw, which shouldn’t come as a shock to anybody, seeing that I’ve written this Hogwarts house reading guide in an attempt to fill your life with more books. Also, I look fantastic in blue. Ravenclaws may be the biggest readers in the castle, but they aren’t the only book lovers. Here’s what to read next based on your Hogwarts house.

Gryffindor: Time’s Convert by Deborah Harkness

Let’s be honest: Most Gryffindors would probably rather be out having an adventure than inside reading about one. But as long as there’s plenty of action and an epic hero, they’ll be happy. Time’s Convert, a supernatural story about love and belonging (and vampires), will do the trick. Especially if you’re a fan of the All Souls Trilogy.

Slytherin: The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White

Would you expect anything less than a gothic horror novel for a Slytherin? This retelling of Frankenstein from the perspective of Elizabeth is sinister, twisted, and downright creepy. Two atmospheric thumbs up.

Ravenclaw: Eliza Hamilton: The Extraordinary Life and Times of the Wife of Alexander Hamilton by Tilar J. Mazzeo

A Ravenclaw never minds a quick history lesson, and this one revolves around Eliza Hamilton. There’s so much more to A-dot-Ham’s wife than what they sing about in Hamilton. Get to know Eliza’s many sides in this incredibly well-researched biography. It’s so good, it might inspire you to write a musical of your own.

Hufflepuff: Analee, In Real Life by Janelle Milanes

Hufflepuffs want to feel every single emotion while they read, and they aren’t ashamed about it. They also don’t mind a little romance with their fiction. And Analee, In Real Life, which follows a teenager struggling to put all of her thoughts and anxieties into words, will certainly check all of those boxes.

Happy reading!