Bricklayers rock dresses and skirts to beat the heat and their 'no shorts' dress code

Construction workers opt for a breezy look including dresses and skirts. Their dress code says “no shorts” but doesn’t prevent them from wearing dresses. (Photo: Chad Cusselle via Facebook)
Construction workers opt for a breezy look including dresses and skirts. Their dress code says “no shorts” but doesn’t prevent them from wearing dresses. (Photo: Chad Cusselle via Facebook)

There’s nothing wrong with showing a little skin, but apparently, for the bricklayers working on a development of apartments and houses in Surrey, a county in England, wearing shorts is against their job’s dress code.

The men were working in high-70s heat and were uncomfortable trying to stay cool in their blue jeans.

Simon Miles, 45, told The Sun, “I turned up for work on -Monday and was told my legs had to be covered on site.

“Shorts were made for brickies. I was going to find another job and some of the other lads were really struggling and uncomfortable in jeans. We gathered it was a health and safety issue.

“But we realized that as there were women working in offices on the same site in skirts, they couldn’t stop us doing the same.”

The bricklayers show off their good fashion sense on the job. (Photo: Chad Cusselle via Facebook)
The bricklayers show off their good fashion sense on the job. (Photo: Chad Cusselle via Facebook)

Miles ran home to raid his wife’s closet and settled on a sensible and casual denim skirt, which complemented his work boots.

And while we’d never encourage catcalling, Simon seems to take it in stride. “A bloke even wolf-whistled me,” he said. “I’ve never had one of those before — well, not from a man.”

The other men were also inspired to ask their girlfriends or wives to borrow their dresses. Some, who were maybe not the same size, had to run to a local supermarket to pick up their own dress.

Adam Houdoire, who is a 29-year-old bodybuilder, spent £10 for his above-the-knee leopard-print dress, and he’s a fan. “I love it,” he said. “It gives you far more freedom.”

They’re all beautiful and we support them.

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