The BTS Army is Not Happy After an Australian News Station Aired an Offensive Segment About the Group

Photo credit: Jeff Kravitz - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jeff Kravitz - Getty Images

From Seventeen

You DO NOT want to mess with the BTS Army. Their intense support for the K-Pop group is admirable, and they've proven time and time again that they will stand up for their boys. The fanbase had to do so again recently when a major Australian news station, Channel 9, aired an extremely racist, and all around offensive segment about the boys on their show 20 to One.

The hosts of the show, Erin Molan and Nick Cody, ranked BTS number 18 on their list of "global crazes." They then went on to discuss the band, with interjections from various comedians, actors, and celebs.

After an unnecessary comment about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the hosts describe BTS as "the biggest band you've never heard of," a surprising way to describe a group that has 16 million Twitter followers.

The video then goes on to make some extremely racist comments, like the one from comedian Jimmy Carr. "When I first heard something Korean had exploded in America, I got worried, so I guess it could have been worse." He then adds, after hearing a bit of BTS' music: "But not much worse." The segment then goes on to mention the members' "gangster names" and the fact that only one of them speaks english.

Not to mention, the video is extremely shady, downplaying BTS' talent and influence. Actor Rob Mills compliments the group's choreography, but then adds, "the singing is passable," followed by a clip of one member struggling to hit a note, which the Army has since proven was an unfair clip.

And while there's the mention of their successes, like their 5 billion YouTube views, these facts are quickly overshadowed, however, by a joke about their UN visit last year, saying they probably spoke about "hair products." In reality, Namjoon made a speech about the launch of an important UNICEF youth program.

Of course, the BTS Army was NOT happy with the segment, and they quickly got #Channel9Apologize trending in response.

"We demand sincere apology for your report full of racist, misogyny, malice on BTS and their fans," said one fan account, adding, "also for the insensitive reference of missile threat #Channel9Apologize"

"To not only make racist comments degrading bts but to specifically mentioned Namjoons speech at the UN and equate it to speaking about hair products when he has such an important topic to discuss #Channel9Apologise," said another fan.

News outlet SBS PopAsia reached out to Channel Nine for a comment and they responded saying, "As a light-hearted entertainment program, it is our belief that last night’s episode of 20 to One, which highlighted the 'Greatest Global Crazes', did not breach any broadcast regulations, and was intended to humorously highlight the popularity of the group. We apologize to any who may have been offended by last night’s episode."

The show's Twitter also shared an image saying, "we apologize for any disrespect and offense taken."

Of course, this non-apology wasn't what the BTS Army was looking forward and they continued to Tweet their disgust.

"So basically they’re justifying their rude and stereotypical comments by saying it was humor," said one fan. "And then they made an apology that would be equivalent to saying 'Sorry you feel that way'. This isn’t an apology or at least a sincere one. #Channel9Apologize."

"I already saw many insincere apologies before but THIS is something that will put all of those in shame," tweeted another fan.

It is unclear if Channel 9 will release a follow up statement.

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