Calling all Leap Babies: If you are born on Feb. 29, we want to help you celebrate

Leap Babies are fabulous.

Whether you are about to turn 4, 16, 36, 52, 68, 84 or any other “leap’’ age, we want to celebrate you through a special partnership with the Delaware Children’s Museum.

Just sign up (it’s free) for an appointment to get your portrait taken by one of our professional photographers at the museum on one of two upcoming dates – Wednesday, Feb. 21, or Friday, Feb. 23.

We will email you a digital copy of your portrait, and you will also go home with some birthday goodies courtesy of the Delaware Children’s Museum.

In addition, you will be part of our Leap Babies birthday photo gallery, and we will send you very special birthday greetings on our social media channels.

Leaplings can use this form to sign up to be photographed at one of these two timeslots:

6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21

3 to 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 23

More about Leap Year: Why do have Leap Day? What's a Leapling? Here is what you need to know about Feb. 29.

Day at the Museum: Open Call: Delaware Children's Museum is a great winter escape

This article originally appeared on Delaware News Journal: Born on Feb. 29? We're looking for Leap Babies to help them celebrate