Your Cancer Monthly Horoscope for October

From Cosmopolitan

Add these dates to your GCal rn:

  • October 1: Full Moon in Aries

  • October 13: Mercury Retrograde begins

  • October 16: New Moon in Libra

  • October 22: Sun enters Scorpio

  • October 31: Full Moon in Taurus

Cancer, do you really think we haven’t been noticing? There’s no need to be humble—we’re all extremely impressed by your recent achievements! Over the past few weeks, you’ve been hustling extra hard and—on October 1—you’ll finally feel like all those late nights and extra-detailed emails are about to pay off! This month kicks off with a Full Moon in Aries, shining a bright light into your professional sector, opening powerful portals to fame and fortune. Wow! So, what’s the next move? Don’t get in your head, Cancer babe. There are a million ways to reach the top, so under this sky, trust your gut. How fabulous!

Oh, but, there is just one thing I should mention: Mercury goes retrograde on October 13, and it may (read: 100% will) throw a wrench in some of your upcoming plans. I’m sorry to say, but when the planet of communication goes backwards, calamities will be inevitable. But there’s no need to stress—Mercury Retrograde is totally out of your control! For you, Cancer darling, this is actually a wonderful opportunity to practice the fine art of “going with the flow.” Sure, it may be a bit of a bumpy ride, but your tough crab shell can handle it.

The truth is, however, that things haven’t always been easy. In fact, there are some painful memories that are still weighing you down. But, on October 16, the Sun and Moon will gather in Libra’s domain, activating the area of your chart associated with foundation, security, and protection. This New Moon marks the beginning of a lunar cycle and—since you’re ruled by the Moon—this will give you the strength and courage to finally face some very painful memories for the past. You don’t always have the ability to go this deep, but mid-month, know that you have exactly what it takes to heal those wounds. You are magical.

After some serious soul-searching, Scorpio season kicks off on October 22, activating the area of your chart connected to confidence, creativity, and crushes. That’s right, Cancer! Over the next few weeks, you’ll be ready to fall in love! This is a delightful energetic shift, so enjoy it. Whether you’re hitting the dating apps or taking your existing bond to the next level, Scorpio season will ensure that your romantic realm is extra radiant. Have fun!

Wow—what a month! But that’s not all. On October 31, a Full Moon in Taurus will electrify the sky. Yes, you read that correctly. There’s a Full Moon on Halloween…but, like, of course there is! It’s 2020! But don’t fret: For you, this lunation is all about expansion. Under this sky, you’ll begin to discover that your community is much greater than you even realized. In fact, friends-of-friends (and friends-of-friends-of-friends!) are willing to lend a hand. So don’t be shy! Whether you’re posting your fave costume inspo on social media or joining a coven, this is a terrific opportunity to broaden your horizons. How perfectly enchanted!

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