Carvel's New Kit Kat Ice Cream Just May Make Me A Fan Of Soft Serve

Photo credit: Carvel - Facebook
Photo credit: Carvel - Facebook

From Delish

Hard ice cream gets a lot of the glory in the frozen treats world. It's what's served in scoop shops, what gets to be made into "fun" flavors, and is what you'll typically find in your freezer. But Carvel's new Kit Kat-flavored ice cream just may make me a major soft serve stan.

Carvel announced this soft serve flavor alongside a whole host of Kit Kat-flavored ice cream treats. First up is that soft serve I got you so hyped for. This treat is made with Kit Kat-flavored ice cream blended with pieces of Kit Kat. When's the last time you saw a soft serve have blended bits of candy in it? I think this is a trend we should keep going.

Next up is, of course, a scoop-able ice cream, also flavored by Kit Kat and also filled with Kit Kat pieces. After that is a Kit Kat sundae dasher. It's basically a parfait filled with layers of Kit Kat piece, chocolate fudge and Kit Kat-flavored soft serve that is then topped with whipped cream.

Our Kit Kat journey is rounded out by a Kit Kat shake, which just described as the "taste of Kit Kat straight from the straw" and appears to be made with Kit Kat ice cream, of course.

This Kit Kat frenzy will be available at Carvel until November 24, so don't worry—you still have plenty of time to try all of the Kit Kat treats you want.

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