Cat's Funny Way of Stopping Dad From Wrapping Gifts Is Perfect

How did the wrapping paper not rip?!

Trying to get all your holiday shopping done on time is already hard enough. Then you have to find time to wrap all the presents without anyone noticing and hide them from the snoopers. It’s a very difficult time of year. And well, some pets don’t make it any easier.

TikTok user @samantha_styled captured a hilarious clip that she named ‘Cat vs. Cat Daddy.’ This man was trying to wrap a present but the tuxedo cat was lying on the wrapping paper. And in true cat fashion, he wasn’t leaving. We can't stop laughing at this clip! 

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LMAO! Why doesn’t this surprise us at all? Cats do what they want when they want. It’s their world and we’re truly just living in it.

“OMG! Just had the same fight. The tape might not stick but the cat DEFINITELY will!” said @squirrelyg820. HA! Note to self: close the door so the cat doesn’t come in when wrapping presents. At least they know now that the wrapping paper is of the highest quality. Whatever company made that paper should definitely advertise it as cat-approved and cat tested. LOL!

We honestly thought the cat was going to win, but he was finally forced off the wrapping paper. “Immediately goes to the box of stuff,” said @mailbunny282. The cat has moved on, destroying the next best thing!


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