Cat's Proud Reaction to 'Catching a Mouse' Couldn't Be More Priceless

Every pet owner strives to raise a happy, healthy animal, and it can be extra special to witness firsthand just how happy they are. Whether it's a joyful reaction when you come home or a purr of contentment from your favorite feline, the signs of a happy pet are truly priceless.

Just take a look at this sweet white and orange cat, Kyro, and his proud reaction after he catches a 'mouse.' Don't worry--it's just a toy! The video's gaining traction on TikTok after @leoandkyro posted it, and we have a feeling you'll love it just as much as we do.

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How cute is he?! We've listened to the little song he meows at least five times now, though we have a feeling it won't be the last time either. This half-orange cat is just too sweet to resist!

It's not exactly news that we're falling for this vocal cat, but it still has us wondering why he's meowing after making his catch.

Commenter @leilavaughan suggested, "he is announcing his victory," and honestly--we think he is! Cats often meow at one another--or even their owners--in order to draw their attention to something. This is an instinctual behavior that likely dates back to felines' days in the wild when every minute counts while hunting and eating a meal.

That means viewer @kryst80 was right when she said, "They are telling everyone they got dinner. Female cats especially do it to call their babies." It makes sense! Communication is key between family members--even when that family is comprised of both humans and cats.

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