Celebrity Hairstylists Say Never to Believe These Popular Hair Claims

Separating fact from fiction is hard, especially when it comes to hair. With so many myths floating around the hair care industry, it's incredibly hard to distinguish fake news from the actual truth. So, we tapped some of the world's most sought-after celebrity hair stylists to debunk the most common hair
myths in the industry. Read on!

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Myth #1: Gummy hair supplements are how celebrities get their gorgeous, long hair.
“Gummy vitamins do contain
vitamins and minerals that are super helpful in hair growth, but they won’t, by
any means, grow a celebs hair five inches in two weeks, as they sometimes say,”
says celebrity hairstylist Felix Fischer. Although biotin—the number-one vitamin in these gummies—usually will
improve your hair over time, it will only work if taken continuously for
months, along with following a healthy lifestyle.”

Myth #2: Plucking a
gray hair will make more grow in its place.
“This is false,” says
Chad Wood, celebrity stylist to Jenna Dewan Tatum and Mila Kunis. In fact,
plucking out one gray hair won’t do much of anything other than remove that one
strand from your head. Eventually a new gray hair will grow its place, but no
more than just the original one.

A post shared by @chadwoodhair on Oct 17, 2017 at 12:06pm PDT

Myth #3: Washing your
hair every day is beneficial.
“Don't wash your hair every day,” says Wood. “The
longer you wait, the better your hair looks and feels when being styled!” If
you wash your hair every day, it'll lose its natural oils, which give the hair shine
and a softer texture, so try to limit your shampoo schedule to only a few times a week.

Myth #4: Celebrities naturally have great hair.
“One ‘myth’ is that all celebrities
have perfect hair that is effortless, full of body and super healthy, when in
fact, many celebs use wigs, hair extensions or a full team and up to five hours
to get that hair ‘camera-ready’ for the public to see it,” says Fischer. “Many
don’t understand the constant primping these celebs need to look effortless or
the amount of people in their glam squads.”

Myth #5: Hair can
flawlessly bounce back and forth between dye jobs.
“Another myth is that celebrities are able to go back
and forth from dark, short hair to long, luxurious, platinum hair, in a short
amount of time,” says Fisher. “This is a huge myth as the process to dye your
hair such drastic colors is very harsh on any head of hair and cannot be done
without consequence, such as hair breakage, splitting or hair loss. In order to
cut your hair and then regrow it an extra five to 10 inches, it takes upwards of a

Myth $6: Anti-humidity products will keep hair frizz-free.
“There are no anti-humidity products that work,” says Wood. “If
you have curly hair and you go out in the humidity, it's going to be curly no
matter how you have it styled. It may be less intense, but it's still going to be