Charles to Be Proclaimed King Tomorrow in an Official Ceremony

Photo credit: Stuart C. Wilson - Getty Images
Photo credit: Stuart C. Wilson - Getty Images

King Charles III will be proclaimed the United Kingdom's new monarch at a ceremony tomorrow.

The Accession Council will assemble at 10 a.m. local time Saturday, September 10, at the State Apartments of St James's Palace, in London.

The council will be divided into two parts. In the first, the Privy Council, without Charles present, will proclaim the sovereign, and formally approve "various consequential Orders, including the arrangements for the Proclamation," per a Buckingham Palace statement.

In part two, Charles will hold his first Privy Council as king. He will make his declaration "and read and sign an oath to uphold the security of the Church in Scotland and approve Orders in Council which facilitate continuity of government," per the Palace.

The council meeting is usually held within 24 hours of the death of a sovereign, and in this case, will come two days after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, who died peacefully at her home in Scotland, Balmoral Castle, yesterday afternoon, surrounded by her family.

After the council on Saturday will come the Principal Proclamation. At 11 a.m., the Garter King of Arms will read the Proclamation on the balcony overlooking Friary Court at St James's Palace, accompanied by the Earl Marshal, other Officers of Arms and the Serjeants at Arms.

For the first time, the entire event will be televised, making this the first public reading of the Proclamation. The reading will be repeated at London's Royal Exchange at 12 p.m.

Further Proclamations will be read in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales at noon on Sunday, September 11.

To welcome the new King Charles, flags will be flown at full-mast from the time of the Principal Proclamation until one hour after the other Proclamations are read. Afterwards, the flags will return to half-mast in mourning for the death of Queen Elizabeth.

Since his mother's passing, Charles has declared a period of Royal Mourning, which is set to last until seven days after the late monarch's funeral, the date of which has not been announced.

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