Charlize Theron To Play Megyn Kelly In Film About Roger Ailes

The ongoing Fox News sexual harassment scandal is getting the Hollywood treatment, and one big casting detail has surfaced.

Charlize Theron is set to play former Fox News host Megyn Kelly in a film about the networkā€™s late CEO, Roger Ailes, The Hollywood Reporter exclusively reported on Monday. According to Deadline, the untitled film centers around the women at the network who worked there during Ailesā€™ tenure.

Ailes, who is responsible for building the powerhouse conservative news network and its many stars, resigned in July 2016 after mounting accusations of sexual harassment, most notably by former host Gretchen Carlson. Even after his departure, Ailes cost the network millions of dollars in legal fees related to the flurry of lawsuits filed against the former CEO.

Carlson, who previously hosted Fox Newsā€™ morning show ā€œFox & Friends,ā€ settled her lawsuit for a reported $20 million. Ailes died one year ago at age 77, about nine months after his resignation.

Kelly, one of the networkā€™s biggest stars, left Fox News for NBC News in January 2017. In her memoir published in late 2016, she accused Ailes of sexually harassing her when she was at the network. After her departure, she blasted the network from her perch at NBC News, telling audiences that she complained to network executives about host Bill Oā€™Reilly, who was fired from Fox News after an explosive New York Times report detailed claims by five women who said the host sexually harassed or acted improperly toward them.

The film does not have a release date yet, but Deadline reported that it has been in the works since before Ailesā€™ death last year. While Theron is set to play Kelly, future audiences will be left to wonder who will take on Carlsonā€™s role.

(Photo: Getty)
(Photo: Getty)

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Gretchen Carlson

<strong>Her account: </strong>In a lawsuit <a href="">filed in July 2016</a>, Carlson accused Ailes of sexual harassment and sexism. When Carlson attempted to address the discriminatory treatment in September 2015, Ailes allegedly told her:&nbsp;&ldquo;I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago and then you&rsquo;d be good and better and I&rsquo;d be good and better." Carlson&nbsp;claimed that Ailes fired her in June 2016 for rebuffing his sexual advances and challenging a sexist newsroom culture.&nbsp;<br /><br /><strong>Ailes' response:</strong>&nbsp;The same day Carlson filed her lawsuit, Ailes released the below statement:&nbsp;<br /><br />"Gretchen Carlson&rsquo;s allegations are false. This is a retaliatory suit for the network&rsquo;s decision not to renew her contract, which was due to the fact that her disappointingly low ratings were dragging down the afternoon lineup. When Fox News did not commence any negotiations to renew her contract, Ms. Carlson became aware that her career with the network was likely over and conveniently began to pursue a lawsuit.&nbsp;Ironically, Fox News provided her with more on-air opportunities over her 11 year tenure than any other employer in the industry, for which she thanked me in her recent book. This defamatory lawsuit is not only offensive, it is wholly without merit and will be defended vigorously.&rdquo;&nbsp;<br /><br /><strong>When we found out:&nbsp;</strong>July 6, 2016<br /><br /><strong>When she says it happened:&nbsp;</strong>?2005 - 2016

Marsha Callahan

<strong>Her account</strong>: When Callahan (left) was starting out as an aspiring model in the 1960s, Ailes <a href="">allegedly told</a> her that he could advance her career if she slept with him, <a href="" target="_blank">New York Magazine reported</a> on July 9, 2016. During this time, Ailes was a producer on "The Mike Douglas Show&rdquo; and allegedly asked Callahan to wear a garter belt and stockings and lift up her skirt for him.<br /><br /><strong>Ailes&rsquo; response</strong>: Although Ailes did not publicly comment on Boyle&rsquo;s accusation, his lawyer Barry Asen released a&nbsp;statement. Asen blamed Carlson's initial accusations for these new allegations: &ldquo;It has become obvious that Ms. Carlson and her lawyer are desperately attempting to litigate this in the press because they have no legal case to argue. The latest allegations, all 30 to 50 years old, are false.&rdquo;<br /><br /><strong>When we found out: </strong>July 9, 2016<br /><strong><br />When she says it happened:&nbsp;</strong>1967 or 1968

Megyn Kelly

<strong>Her account: </strong>Directly after Carlson&rsquo;s accusations came to light, <a href="">Kelly allegedly told 21st Century Fox</a> investigators that Ailes made unwanted sexual advances when she was just starting out as a correspondent for Fox 10 years prior. In her recent memoir, <a href="">Kelly wrote</a> that Ailes made inappropriate advances, commenting on her &ldquo;very sexy bras&rdquo; and &ldquo;how he&rsquo;d like to see [her] in them.&rdquo; He also tried to grab and kiss her, and later threatened to fire her if she did not comply. <br /><br /><strong>Ailes' response: </strong>&ldquo;I categorically deny the allegations Megyn Kelly makes about me. I worked tirelessly to promote and advance her career, as Megyn herself admitted to Charlie Rose. Watch that interview and then decide for yourself,&rdquo; Ailes said in a <a href="">statement to People Magazine</a> on November 15, 2016. &ldquo;My attorneys have restricted me from commenting further -- so suffice it to say that no good deed goes unpunished.&rdquo;<br /><br /><strong>When we found out: </strong>Initial accusations on July 19, 2016; details from her book on November 3, 2016<br /><br /><strong>When she says it happened: </strong>2005 - 2006

Rudi Bakhtiar

<strong>Her account</strong>: The former Fox News correspondent <a href="">told The New York Times</a> she was fired for complaining about sexual harassment from then-Fox News Washington bureau chief Brian Wilson. Similar to other accusations, Bakhtiar said Ailes also behaved inappropriately, asking her to stand during a job interview so he could see her legs and sending her miniskirts to wear at work. <br /><br /><strong>Ailes&rsquo; response</strong>: None from Ailes, Fox News or parent company 21st Century Fox. <br /><br /><strong>When we found out: </strong>July 23, 2016<br /><br /><strong>When she says it happened: </strong>2007

Laurie Luhn

<strong>Her account:</strong> Luhn, the former director of booking at Fox News, said that Ailes sexually harassed and blackmailed her into performing sexual acts for more than 20 years. &ldquo;It was psychological torture,&rdquo; she told<a href="">&nbsp;New York Magazine</a>&nbsp;on July 29, 2016. Luhn was among the few women who said she had given in to Ailes' demands, knowing he could help her career.<br /><br /><strong>Ailes&rsquo; response: </strong>&ldquo;Ms. Luhn is someone I once regarded as a friend and a person who I helped for many years,&rdquo; Ailes wrote in a statement to <a href="">ABC News</a> in November 18, 2016. &ldquo;The stories she is telling now are fabrications built on half-truths and outright lies, and I can only assume are opportunistically intended to thrust her back into the limelight at my expense.&rdquo;<br /><strong><br />When we found out:&nbsp;</strong>July 29, 2016<br /><br /><strong>When she says it happened:</strong> 1996 - 2016

Laurie Dhue

<strong>Her account:</strong> Dhue, who worked as a Fox News anchor from 2000 to 2008, <a href="">said</a> that Ailes asked if she was wearing underwear while she was jumping with his then 6-year-old son at a barbecue in New Jersey. &ldquo;Are you wearing any panties? I wish you weren&rsquo;t,&rdquo; Ailes <a href="">allegedly asked</a> Dhue. &nbsp;<br /><br /><strong>Ailes&rsquo; response</strong>: No public response.<br /><strong><br />When we found out:&nbsp;</strong>August 2, 2016<br /><strong><br />When she says it happened:&nbsp;</strong>Sometime during her tenure at Fox News between 2000 and 2008.

Andrea Tantaros

<strong>Her account:</strong> In a lawsuit <a href="">filed August 2016</a>, former Fox News host Tantaros claimed that Ailes is a &ldquo;sexual predator&rdquo; who made inappropriate sexual comments about her body and requested she hug him and twirl for him in his office. In the lawsuit, Tantaros named other Fox News male colleagues who sexually harassed her, including Bill O&rsquo;Reilly. She called Fox News a &ldquo;sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult, steeped in intimidation, indecency and misogyny.&rdquo; After Tantaros complained about Ailes and Fox News&rsquo; misogynistic culture, she said she was demoted and taken off the air. <br /><br /><strong>Ailes&rsquo; response</strong>: While Ailes did not publicly comment on the accusations, <a href="">Fox News&rsquo; lawyers</a> called Tantaros an &ldquo;opportunist&rdquo; and said her lawsuit &ldquo;bears all the hallmarks of the &lsquo;wannabe.&rsquo;&rdquo; <br /><strong><br />When we found out:&nbsp;</strong>August 8, 2016<br /><br /><strong>When she says it happened: </strong>2014 - 2016

Shelley Ross

<strong>Her account: </strong>In an essay for <a href="" target="_blank">The Daily Beast i</a>n August 2016, Ross details the sexual harassment she experienced on &ldquo;The Tomorrow Show&rdquo; from Roger Ailes. Ross wrote that Ailes proposed a &ldquo;sexual alliance&rdquo; while she worked on the show. <br /><br /><strong>Ailes&rsquo; response</strong>: None.<br /><br /><strong>When we found out: </strong>August 8, 2016<br /><br /><strong>When she says it happened: </strong>1981

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