Chismoso Cocktails and Comida is open on Gay Street. All the gossip on downtown's taco bar

Psst. Come closer. Did you hear the gossip? Chismoso is open in downtown Knoxville!

That's right, Chismoso Cocktails and Comida had a soft launch on Gay Street, serving up "Mexicanized American food" and traditional cocktails with a twist in clay mugs.

Co-owners Emmanuel Perez and Corbin Azambuja have taken over the former Anaba Japanese Cuisine space at 131 S. Gay St. But don't let the Anaba sign fool you. It's now fully Chismoso.

Chismoso translates to gossip, and gossiping is what Perez and Azambuja want folks to do inside. The local word of mouth has helped fill up the restaurant during its first few nights open.

"It's cool that it makes sense, like the way it's worked out. Last week with the little soft opening, the food and drinks, it just makes sense together. I'm just so happy that it came together like it did," Perez said.

Neon signs in the the kitchen at Chismoso, a new cocktail bar and restaurant on South Gay Street, Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
Neon signs in the the kitchen at Chismoso, a new cocktail bar and restaurant on South Gay Street, Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Chismoso Cocktails and Comida is the talk of downtown Knoxville

The space invites Knoxville in with pink neon signs, green painted walls and terracotta-colored tables. The layout is similar to Anaba, but with a new identity.

Old phones hang on the wall next to newly painted logos, murals and original characters. Perez's favorite phone — a T-Rex shaped one — can be found atop the liquor shelves behind the bar. A few really old phones are scattered throughout the restaurant, and a pink phonebooth is in the back.

The menu is small but packs a punch with unique dishes like spaghetti verde, green chorizo tacos and potato masa puppies. The cocktail menu features drinks inspired by the flavors of honey, Cantaritos and, yes, even Mexican street corn. Cocktails are served in clay mugs. Beer is served in boot-shaped glasses.

Most of the ingredients are locally sourced and the liquor is additive free, the owners said.

"I like that we're pretty much selling like an art as opposed to just food and drink," Azambuja said.

Corbin Azambuja, Emmanuel Perez and Will Stagg pose for a photo at Chismoso, a new cocktail bar and restaurant on South Gay Street, Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
Corbin Azambuja, Emmanuel Perez and Will Stagg pose for a photo at Chismoso, a new cocktail bar and restaurant on South Gay Street, Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

The food menu will rotate around every two weeks with new dishes to try, while the cocktails will stick around for longer with one or two changing at a time.

"We'll always have familiar things, but just different setups," head chef Will Stagg said.

Food dishes are $5-$16 and cocktails are $9-15.

Some of the Chismoso owners' favorite dishes and drinks to try:

  • Perez: Anything using the house-made corn tortillas and the Jungle Cat cocktail, made with mezcal, Aperol, pineapple juice, lime juice and agave.

  • Azambuja: Carne asada tacos and the Batanga cocktail, made with blanco tequila, lime juice, Mexican Coca-Cola and salt.

  • Stagg: Potato masa puppies made with braised guajillo pork, jalape?o and Oaxaca cheese along with the M&M (mezcal and Meletti) cocktail.

"That's what we're trying to do. When everybody's running in one way, we're trying to run a little bit of the opposite way," Stagg said.

The future of Chismoso Cocktails and Comida on Gay Street

The restaurant will operate in a limited capacity until more staff members receive training and Knoxville can get a chance to gossip over some good tequila.

"We treat everybody with respect here," Stagg said. "We're gonna be a tight family."

A mural at Chismoso, a new cocktail bar and restaurant on South Gay Street, Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
A mural at Chismoso, a new cocktail bar and restaurant on South Gay Street, Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Future phases of Chismoso include opening for dinner on Monday and Tuesday, offering lunch and creating a brunch menu. But those won't happen for a while until they feel ready, Perez said. They will require time to establish Chismoso's flow and cultivate the staff's synergy.

Perez has two potential dates in mind for a grand opening: around Memorial Day or when the Anaba sign finally gets taken down.

"We'll celebrate the day they take it down," Perez said.

Chismoso Cocktails and Comida is open Wednesday through Sunday from 5-10 p.m. It's closed on Monday and Tuesday.

Keenan Thomas reports for the Knox News business growth and development team. You can reach him by email at [email protected].

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This article originally appeared on Knoxville News Sentinel: Chismoso Knoxville tacos and tequila bar opens on Gay Street