It’s True: Climate Change Is Making Your Allergies Worse

Photo credit: BrianAJackson - Getty Images
Photo credit: BrianAJackson - Getty Images
  • Climate change continues to impact air quality, contributing to longer, more potent allergy seasons.

  • Rising temperatures in the U.S. have caused pollen season to become anywhere from six to 21 days longer, according to EPA data.

  • Doctors explain how to find relief during a longer allergy season.

As global temperatures continue to rise, climate change continues to pose a serious risk to our planet: Glaciers are shrinking, coral reefs are losing their vivid colors, extreme weather (such as wildfires and hurricanes) is causing humanitarian crises, pollution is degrading our air quality, and destruction of natural habitats is endangering animals.

It’s not surprising that these conditions also pose a serious risk to human health, too. Warmer temperatures, rising sea levels, and extreme storms lead to poorer food, water, and air quality, higher risk of heat-related deaths and disease, and even mental health problems, according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

And as spring approaches, the weather will wreak havoc on one of the most dreaded parts of warmer days: “Climate change has contributed to longer, more potent allergy seasons,” says Purvi Parikh, MD, an allergist and immunologist with the Allergy & Asthma Network.

That’s because rising temperatures caused by climate change make the air quality worse, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). Unfortunately, that could have a serious impact on the way you end up feeling for the next few months.

“Every allergy season, it does seem to be getting worse,” says Susan Schuval, MD, an allergist and immunologist at Stony Brook University.

But how exactly does a warming planet lead to intense pollen counts? Here, experts explain the connection—and exactly what you can do to feel less miserable when your symptoms flare up.

How does climate change make allergies worse?

Climate change—which can affect temperatures, rainfall, and winds—affects the production and protein composition of pollen and fungal spores, as well as how they’re emitted, dispersed, and deposited in new places, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). Not only that, conditions are right for pollinating plants to thrive. “Rising CO2 levels, which plants take in to survive, have contributed to super-pollinator plants,” Dr. Parikh says.

Climate change factors also “directly impact how a plant pollinates,” says Princess Ogbogu, MD, director of Allergy and Immunology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. In addition to higher levels of pollen in the air, it can also cause allergens to spread over a wider area, she says.

According to EPA data, rising temperatures in the U.S. from 1995 to 2015 caused pollen season to become anywhere from six to 21 days longer (depending on where you live), and the trend is expected to continue. Warmer weather ends up creating more pollen and stronger allergens in the air, causing more allergy issues for you.

But it’s not just about pollen. Greenhouse gases can cause breathing issues for people with allergies, asthma, and other lung conditions, while flooding and extreme storms can cause damp buildings and conditions that allow mold to grow, the AAAAI says. “Even in places in the country where we do not usually see a bad pollen count or allergy season have been consistently getting worse,” Dr. Parikh says.

How to find allergy relief

Given that everyone is affected by seasonal allergies differently, it’s a good idea to have a conversation with your allergist about your personal needs, Dr. Ogbogu says. That includes finding out what, exactly, you’re allergic to so you can do your best to avoid it in the future.

If you’re a seasoned allergy-fighter, you’ll want to start taking your medication a week or two earlier than you did last year to try to get a jump on what will likely be a longer season, Dr. Schuval says.

Before you leave your house, the AAFA recommends checking the Air Quality Index to see how polluted the air is in your area. If it’s bad and you need to go out, you may want to consider wearing an N95 face mask to help protect yourself. It’s also a good idea to regularly wear sunglasses to help keep allergens out of your eyes, Dr. Schuval says.

There are also lifestyle tweaks you can make to help yourself out. The AAAAI specifically recommends doing the following:

  • Keep your windows closed at night and use air conditioning if you can.

  • Try to stay indoors when the pollen or mold counts are high.

  • If your allergies are bad, wear a face mask if you have to be outside for long periods of time.

  • When you get home, take a shower, wash your hair, and change your clothes.

  • Try to delegate outdoor chores like mowing the lawn to someone else, since this can stir up pollen and mold.

  • Don’t hang laundry outside to dry.

  • Keep your windows closed when you drive or ride in a car.

If you’re really struggling and experiencing symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, Dr. Parikh says it could be a sign of an asthma attack triggered by allergies—so make sure you seek medical attention ASAP.

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