Constantly Scrolling Your News Feeds? Revealing New Research Might Make You Think Twice

Let’s face it: When you watch the news, nine times out of ten it isn’t exactly a mood lifter. Between COVID, monkeypox, politics and more, it only takes a few minutes of scrolling through your news feed to feel stressed and anxious.

According to a recent study, there is an increase in mental and physical health concerns among people with higher levels of problematic news consumption. Study authors note that problematic news consumption refers to those who are “absorbed in news stories,” particularly coverage that contains drama and conflict. News consumption becomes problematic when the person is still absorbed in the story after viewing and continues to feel worried and anxiety-ridden. Here's what the connection between mental health and news consumption really looks like—and signs that your news consumption is problematic. 

The Connection Between News Consumption and Mental Health

When we hear disturbing news, we can experience an increase in anxiety. And in order to alleviate that feeling, we may look for answers. One of the ways we do that is to watch the news.

We may have this belief that the more news we watch, the more answers we will receive. It’s as if we think the problem will eventually be solved and we need the news to give us the ending, Natalie Bernstein, a licensed psychologist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, explains.

However, this is not always the case. The format of the news lends itself better to capitalizing on our sense of fear and worry so that we have no choice but to tune in and see what will happen next. This is why we turn to the news, but feel worse when we do not receive a resolution.

The news also encourages a sense of divisiveness and forces us to take positions in a way that is unmatched in our everyday experiences, Dr. Bernstein adds. We may feel tension with those around us who have different viewpoints. Conflict can arise when we want to share the disturbing information we learned in the news with others only to learn they believe differently.

Related: 10 Therapist-Backed Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Health If You're Feeling Weighed Down By the News Right Now

“Even when we try our best to control our news consumption, set boundaries and have clear expectations, there is still potential for negative long-term effects,” says Ernesto Lira de la Rosa, psychologist and Hope for Depression Research Foundation media advisor.

Often, people may have good strategies for managing their news consumption, but may not be prepared for the emotional toll of the content. In the last few years, many people have been consumed by numerous stories that have been traumatic in nature. When we are continuously exposed to news that is traumatic, we may begin to feel anxious and uneasy, Dr. Lira de la Rosa adds. These effects may not show up immediately after consuming news, but this type of traumatic news can seep into our everyday thinking and well-being in the long run.

Some people may find that if they consume news in one sitting, then they will not be tempted to compulsively check the news at other times in the day.

However, there could be a flooding effect where people consume too much content and this can be quite stressful. Some people may resort to this strategy as a way to regulate their mood, or limit the flooding effect throughout the day. Yet, the content is not something we can control. We also can’t control how the content is presented, what images are used, what audio is used, etc. This is why the initial desire to regulate may backfire, Dr. Lira de la Rosa states.

Signs of Problematic News Consumption

Worried the news is impacting your health? Here are a few emotional, physiological and cognitive signs to look for, according to Dr. Lira de la Rosa.


  • Drained

  • Helpless

  • Hopeless

  • Always anxious


  • Changes in appetite and sleep

  • Muscle tension

  • Body aches and pains

  • Other somatic complaints


People may find themselves thinking, “I wonder what happened today in the news” or “What if I am missing something important by not checking the news?” These thoughts can be automatic and are the basis for anxiety.

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Protect Your Mental Health By Following These Guidelines

Check in with yourself

It sounds simple but if it’s not making you feel good, take a step back.

If you find yourself feeling more unsettled, anxious or experiencing mood swings after reading or watching the news, it’s time for a break, Dr. Bernstein explains.

Let go of the fear that you are ‘missing out’ on information

This is a problem for many people, but it’s important to keep things in perspective.

“It is okay to remind yourself that there will always be something happening in the world and that you will find out about a major news story even if you do not consume the news as often,” Dr. Lira de la Rosa explains.

Try switching the method of your news delivery

Rather than watching on TV, for example, skim the headlines on your phone or computer, Dr. Bernstein states. Sometimes reading it instead of watching can provide enough of a buffer.

Limit your exposure to the news

Chances are if something new or significant is taking place, you will hear about it.

You can also inform friends/family members that you are taking a news break and ask them to tell you about anything serious you need to be aware of during your break, Dr. Bernstein explains.

Follow up the news with an activity you enjoy

Rather than let the negative energy from the news sink in, engage in an activity that will put you in a more positive headspace.

Switch gears and do something more fun or relaxing. Go for a walk, turn on your music, or play a game to help lighten the intensity of the information, says Dr. Bernstein.

Next up: Here's How to Figure Out How Exactly How Much Time You Should Be Spending On Social Media
