‘The Crown’ Will Pause Filming “Out of Respect” for the Late Queen

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, The Crown creator Peter Morgan shared that production on season 6 will stop filming out of respect” for an undetermined period of time.

The Crown is a love letter to her,” Morgan shared. “I’ve nothing to add for now, just silence and respect. I expect we will stop filming out of respect too.” The Netflix show has long had a plan for what would happen if the Queen were to pass away while they were filming. According to Deadline, Morgan won’t be making a statement or further comments about the Queen’s death.

“None of us know when that time will come but it would be right and proper to show respect to the Queen. It would be a simple tribute and a mark of respect. She’s a global figure and it’s what we should do,” Stephen Daldry, a director of early episodes, said in 2016 when The Crown premiered.

Three actresses have played the Queen over the course of the show: Claire Foy, Olivia Colman, and Imelda Staunton, who is set to take over the role in season 5 of The Crown.

The fifth season is set to premiere on Netflix this November. It will cover events throughout the 1990s, with a likely focus on 1992, which Queen Elizabeth called her “annus horribilis” (horrible year). Season 6 is not expected to go to present day and will likely end sometime in the 2000s. Recently, actors were cast for a young Prince William and Kate Middleton for the final season.

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