Cuba, the ultimate tour: From classic cars and salsa bars to Hemingway's Havana

Colourful architecture in Havana, Cuba - © 2015 Jim O'Donnell
Colourful architecture in Havana, Cuba - ? 2015 Jim O'Donnell

I luuuuurve the dancing dogs!” squealed our waitress María, clapping her hands as I stared at her in disbelief. “And those men in suits, the judges – they are so serious... so British!” I’d had high expectations for enlightening conversations with the locals in Cuba – about Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, maybe even the country’s relations with the US – but I didn’t envisage discussions about the merits of Britain’s Got Talent.

It was dinner time on board ‘We made syrupy donuts and learnt to salsa’ Celestyal Crystal, and with each platter of Cuban ropa vieja (slow-cooked garlicky beef), sweetcorn fritters and braised beans, our 26-year-old hostess would also bring a juicy anecdote to our table. Her hero? Che, of course. Her dream? To open a b&b in Havana. Her hobby? Watching illicit recordings of foreign TV shows, smuggled from Florida on a friend’s USB stick.

“Britain’s Got Talent is everyone’s favourite – much better than the American version,” she said with a wink. Even in pop culture, local rifts run deep.

Cuba has changed, but you already know that. When its president Raúl Castro and Barack Obama took the first steps towards reconciliation in 2015, this tiny island became travel’s hottest ticket. President Trump’s ambitions for Cuba remain unclear, but its tourism industry is already struggling with its new-found appeal.

A cruise ship docking into the port in Havana - Credit: Getty
A cruise ship docking into the port in Havana Credit: Getty

In 2016, visitor numbers soared by 13 per cent, but four major tour operators stopped taking bookings because hotels weren’t up to scratch. Distances between cities are vast and roads poor – a situation not helped by this year’s ferocious hurricanes (the north coast was hit badly by Irma in September but many resorts have reopened). Last April Cuba ran out of beer: tourists literally drank the island dry.

By contrast, my glass was very much half full. Our ship snuck out of Havana on a warm, cloudless night, the city lights shrinking until they merged with the stars. I raised a glass of rum to the fishing boats bobbing in our wake: until recently, privately-owned boats were forbidden here, in case the skipper made a break for the US.

At a glance | Five amazing Cuban cocktails

If you want to see more of the island in comfort, cruising is your best option – and with her modest size (1,200 beds) and recent facelift, Celestyal Crystal promised style and convenience. In just seven days we would circumnavigate Cuba, exploring more of the island than would be possible in a week-long holiday on land.

Our day in Havana had passed in a blur of salsa, cigar smoke and classic cars: the full complement of Cuban clichés. I’d expected it to feel more cosmopolitan, but Havana knows the value of its unique history – that was clear from the old Soviet memorabilia for sale on every street corner.

A side street in Havana - Credit: Alamy
A side street in Havana Credit: Alamy

“This will cure your jetlag,” Ida, my guide, shouted over the band as she handed me a frozen daiquiri with a perky pink straw. Not my usual 10am tipple, but in El Floridita – “Ernest Hemingway’s favourite Havana watering hole” – it would have been rude to refuse.

Hemingway – who lived in Cuba for 20 years – had quite a few favourite pubs, it transpired. We tripped between them in a rum fug, brushing our fingertips over the crumbling brickwork and cooing over those famous Skittles-coloured Cadillacs.

Our itinerary included two full days at sea but the ship offered a wealth of Cuban-themed entertainment. We learned about cigars, cooked syrupy bu?uelos (doughnuts) and tried Caribbean dances: salsa, mambo, bachata – taught by quick-footed Cubans, with a live local band.

Havana, Cuba: a cruise tour of Hemingway's haunts

I had a lot to learn about life on board, too. An admission: this was my first cruise. So I had not been aware that “dining at the captain’s table” was a big deal. The captain, a rather quiet, mild-mannered chap, was a bit of a celebrity. One evening, when passengers were offered the chance to pose for a photo with him, a stampede ensued as most of the guests vied for a place at his side.

I made the biggest faux pas on the first night, when I called the ship a boat and was corrected by an elderly American woman: “It’s all down to size, dear,” she said, waving her G&T as if to stress her point. “A ‘ship’ can carry a ‘boat’, but a ‘boat’ can’t carry a ‘ship’.”

At a glance | The best times to visit Cuba

Being short of time, I’d missed out on a night in Havana, and felt disappointed not to boogie in the salsa clubs I’d read so much about. But a twirl around the dance floor with Sonny – one of the ship’s salsa teachers – wasn’t a bad compromise.

I should have rested my legs, because the cobbles of Trinidad awaited. The small south-coast city is a looker: all Spanish colonial splendour and brightly painted houses, the vanity project of wealthy sugar plantation owners. “Bonita! Beautiful!” said Ramon, my guide, as we languished in the shade of a scarlet-tipped hibiscus tree while donkey-drawn carts clattered past – a reminder that cars are still rare outside Havana.

14 sights to catch before Cuba changes forever

Has Trinidad changed much, I asked Ramon over a delicious lunch in La Ceiba – a privately run restaurant that would have been illegal a few years ago. “Look around you!” He gestured to the diners. “People are excited: they see new freedom, the chance to make money at last. But things move slowly. We still use our ration books, though my daughter wants a smartphone for her birthday.”

One day we docked in Jamaica’s Montego Bay: an easier port to embark than Havana for many US passengers – and for the rest of us a fun trip to Dunn’s River Falls and Doctor’s Cave Beach. But Jamaica felt too brash, too brazen after the quiet charm of Cuba, so it was a relief to leave the Bob Marley tunes and Usain Bolt billboards behind.

Doctor's Cave Beach in Montego Bay, Jamaica - Credit: AP
Doctor's Cave Beach in Montego Bay, Jamaica Credit: AP

Our last stop, Santiago de Cuba, promised a tangible insight into the country’s Soviet past. Here we could dip our fingers into the bullet holes that kick-started the revolution, and join the hundreds of Cubans a day who visit Fidel’s ashes at Santa Ifigenia Cemetery.

As we cruised into Santiago’s slim inlet, I spotted a lone farmer atop a horse and cart, gazing at us from the hilltop road. I wondered what he thought of our ship – was he struck by its novelty, its size or its camera-wielding tourists? With the flash of a whip, he turned back to his fields, our presence dismissed. Yes, Cuba is different now – but maybe that’s not so bad after all.

Dancing in Santiago de Cuba - Credit: Getty
Dancing in Santiago de Cuba Credit: Getty


Iglu Cruise (020 3131 2885; offers an eight-night Cuba fly-cruise on Celestyal Crystal, departing February 5, 2018. From £1,069pp including direct flights and two excursions in Havana.