Woman's Day

14 Cute Cat Breeds That Even Dog People Would Say "Awww" To

Woman's Day
14 Cute Cat Breeds That Even Dog People Would Say "Awww" To

14 Cute Cat Breeds That Even Dog People Would Say "Awww" To

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All cats are created equal and cuteness is subjective, but there’s no denying that some cute cat breeds are universally considered adorable (and no, we’re not just talking about kittens). Perhaps you’re only into the fluffiest of felines. Perhaps you’re a sucker for cats with big blue eyes. Everyone has their own opinion about what makes for an utterly adorable feline, but no matter what you love in a cat, these cute cat breeds are sure to make just about anyone melt into a happy puddle.

You’ve probably heard of Maine Coons, Persians, and American Bobtails, but how about Toygers, Ragdolls, or LaPerms? Natural breeds aren’t the only cats worth adopting, and some of the cutest cats out there have pretty fascinating origin stories. With cats that are fluffy, curly-haired, striped, and spotted, we’ve rounded up 14 of the cutest cat breeds, and we hope you’re ready to squeal with joy.

They're simply pur-fect.

From Woman's Day
