This Dad with Brain Cancer Witnessing His Son's Birth Will Have You in Tears

Cagney Wenk is a new dad. He was also diagnosed with stage 4 Glioblastoma brain cancer at the age of 26, after suffering headaches for just a few days, according to the Huffington Post

Unthinkably, according to a video posted on Vimeo, Wenk received this terrifying diagnosis just three weeks before his fiancée, Jessica Li, was due with their first child.

Levon's Birth Story from SarahBoccolucciPhotography on Vimeo.

Though he was confined to the ICU following three brain surgeries, kind hospital staff at the Boulder Community Hospital in Colorado brought Wenk to the labor and delivery ward so he could watch Li give birth.

This heartbreaking image from the video, which was taken by Colorado birth photographer and videographer Sarah Boccolucci, according to the Huffington Post, captures just what a huge feat his transfer actually was.

Sarah Boccolucci Photography/Vimeo
Sarah Boccolucci Photography/Vimeo

But the expression on this new dad's face when he sees his child being born made all their efforts worth it. Because it. Is. So. Beautiful

Sarah Boccolucci Photography/Vimeo
Sarah Boccolucci Photography/Vimeo

And his tears of joy and wonder are even more powerful to behold.

It's impossible to imagine everything Wenk is feeling when he holds his new son, Levon, and gets to both bond with him and watch Li breastfeed and bond with him. Wenk even got to cut the cord.

Wenk's sister Marissa told the Huffington Post the video was made for their family, to have as a memory of the magical moment. But it will mean so much to anyone who views it. I know I feel a deep sense of gratitude for my husband and children. Because at the end of the day, loving one another is really all that matters.

In fact, Marissa said, "It is my hope that people will see the video, feel the love this family shares, and help lift them up and make a donation if they are able."

If you want to help the family, please visit their Give Forward page.

Wenk is currently undergoing radiation and chemotherapy for the next several weeks. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family during this unthinkably difficult, yet joyful time.

Melissa Willets is a writer/blogger and a mom. Follow her on Twitter (@Spitupnsuburbs), where she chronicles her love of exercising and drinking coffee, but never simultaneously.